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Tag: Nanophotonics

Nanowire circuits allow for transparent and flexible LED screens

Researchers in China have fabricated transparent and flexible LED screens using a simple, low-cost manufacturing process based on silver nanowires. Liu Yang and colleagues...

Electrons passing over nanophotonic materials could create synchrotron-like light

Vacuum fluctuations just a few nanometres from the surface of a material can cause a passing beam of relativistic electrons to emit X-rays and...

Plasmonic nanoprobe optically monitors neural activity

A new ultrasensitive nanoscale optical probe that can monitor the bioelectric activity of neurons (and other cells that generate electrical impulses) could help researchers...

Daguerreotypes reveal their plasmonic secrets

The optical properties of daguerreotypes, the earliest types of photographs, invented in the nineteenth century, come from the plasmonic response of the metallic nanostructures...

Plasmonics technologies take on global challenges

In 1861 James Clerk Maxwell rewrote our understanding of light when he began publishing a description of it in terms of electric and magnetic...

Deep learning improves optical storage

A new ultrahigh-density optical storage technology that can store up to nine bits of information per diffraction-limited area that works thanks to a deep...

Chameleons inspire mechanochromic nanolaser

A new mechanically “stretchable” nanolaser based on gold nanoparticles patterned on an elastomeric slab surrounded by a liquid gain can lase at different light...

Photonic crystals follow a straight path to absolute darkness

Just as there is no such thing as a complete vacuum, there is no such thing as complete darkness. This is because there are...

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