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Tag: Mitochondria

Oral mitochondrial transplantation using nanomotors to treat ischaemic heart disease – Nature Nanotechnology

Brown, D. A. et al. Mitochondrial function as a therapeutic target in heart failure. Nat. Rev. Cardiol. 14, 238–250 (2017).Article  CAS  ...

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Universal STING mimic boosts antitumour immunity via preferential activation of tumour control signalling pathways – Nature Nanotechnology

Barber, G. N. STING: infection, inflammation and cancer. Nat. Rev. Immunol. 15, 760–770 (2015).Article  CAS  PubMed  ...

Cellular Self-Destruction May Be Ancient. But Why? | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionIt can be hard to tell, at first, when a cell is on the verge of self-destruction. It appears to be going about its usual...

A Multitalented Scientist Seeks the Origins of Multicellularity | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionIn Cassandra Extavour’s office at Harvard University hangs a placard with a painted rainbow flag and a friendly invitation. “You are welcome here,” it reads. “I...

5 Essential strategies for teaching vocabulary

Essential strategies to teach vocabulary can make a world of difference to students. After all, students are confronted with challenging vocabulary everywhere they look....

Cells Across the Body Talk to Each Other About Aging | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionAging can seem like an unregulated process: As time marches along, our cells and bodies inevitably accumulate dings and dents that cause dysfunctions, failures...

We’re Inching Closer to Answers for Why We Age and How to Slow Down the Clock

Why do we age? And how can we slow down the clock?This year, we inched closer to answers. Longevity research continued decoding the core...

How Red Light Therapy Can Help Your Health Issues: Conditions It Can Help

Preventive care is one area where even modern medical science needs to catch up. Although tons of solutions promise wellness, they are not without...

The Biggest Discoveries in Biology in 2023 | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionRevolutions in the biological sciences can take many forms. Sometimes they erupt from the use of a novel tool or the invention of a...

Oligomeric organization of membrane proteins from native membranes at nanoscale spatial and single-molecule resolution – Nature Nanotechnology

Levental, I. & Lyman, E. Regulation of membrane protein structure and function by their lipid nano-environment. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 24, 107–122 (2023).Article  ...

Improving medical implants with high-energy, biocompatible biobatteries

Oct 29, 2023 (Nanowerk Spotlight) Implantable medical devices like pacemakers and biosensors have revolutionized treatments for many debilitating conditions, improving quality of life for...

What Makes Life Tick? Mitochondria May Keep Time for Cells | Quanta Magazine

Introduction Just as people in different places seem to operate at different rhythms, so too do different species. They age at their own rates: Some,...

Researchers define a protocol for narrow cantilever fabrication and high-resolution imaging of living cells using AFM

Sep 05, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Researchers at Kanazawa University report in STAR Protocols ("Protocol for live imaging of intracellular nanoscale structures using atomic force...

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