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Tag: Metrics

Over 90% of UK SMBs say they are not treated fairly by their banks

Ninety-two percent of small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) reported that they are treated unfairly by their bank, according to a new survey of 200...

Bitcoin Regains the $9,000 Level Despite Coronavirus Fears

Most financial markets have been impacted by the widespread transmission of coronavirus including the cryptocurrency market. The following analysis takes a data-driven and...

Atlanta Bitcoin Events and Blockchain Meetups for 2020, Rated and Reviewed

Atlanta has long been a growing center for technology, and it’s now becoming a hub for blockchain startups. This means a...

FinTech Platforms Emerge in Wealth Management

Software companies are seeking to use the “platform” model to extend their reach and help segments of the wealth management industry use...

Regression Testing in Agile: A Complete Guide for Enterprises

Insurance consumers around the globe are seeking convenience and expecting better customer experience. From millennials to Gen Z, with the agile connectivity, irrespective...

Top 10 Most Innovative Cybersecurity Companies After RSA 2020

The RSA Conference, the world's leading information security conference and exposition, held its 29th annual event in San Francisco last week.According to the...

How to use deep learning & OCR for data extraction from meter readings

IntroductionThe process of traditional sub-meter reading involves the deployment of trained personnel by the organization to survey every single house and other properties...

How to use deep learning & OCR for data extraction from meter readings

IntroductionThe process of traditional sub-meter reading involves the deployment of trained personnel by the organization to survey every single house and other properties...

How adaptive trust makes security efficient

Zero trust is a comprehensive security framework that requires everyone—and every service account—to authenticate identity before entering the corporate network. Every app and...

Gotta Patch ‘Em All? Not Necessarily, Experts Say

When it's impossible to remediate all vulnerabilities in an organization, data can indicate which bugs should be prioritized.Modern security teams face a daunting...

Bitcoin On-Chain Analytics at Odds With Sub-$8K Bitcoin Price Forecasts

At the start of February, the cryptocurrency market was doing fairly well with many altcoins pressing above their 2-year old descending trendlines and...

Predictive Model for the Phoneme Imbalanced Classification Dataset

Tweet Share Share Many binary classification tasks do...

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