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Tag: Marine

Here’s all the military planes that keep falling short on readiness

A new federal watchdog report has flagged a troubling trend among U.S. military aircraft: More than two dozen fleets haven’t met their annual combat-readiness...

Here’s why Home Depot and Lowe’s are booming in a housing market bust

In this articleHDLOWFollow your favorite stocksCREATE FREE ACCOUNTA Home Depot store in Hyattsville, Maryland, on February 22, 2022.Stefani Reynolds | AFP | Getty ImagesAs...

RAAF refuels with South Korea for first time

This follows Australia and South Korea’s agreement to increase interoperability between air forces, with both signing a mid-air refuelling agreement earlier in the year.

What is biodiversity and why is it important for life?

Sometimes we forget that we don’t exist on this planet in isolation. We live alongside a huge variety of flora and fauna that exist in delicately balanced ecosystems. Climate change has had serious consequences for biodiversity around the world. The conservation of biodiversity is not only vital for preserving these ecosystems, but our own survival depends on it. But what exactly is biodiversity, and why is it so important to life?

Ethereum and Big Eyes Coin Are Two Must Have Projects For Your Portfolio In Q4

Through the years, people have tried to pinpoint which cryptocurrencies are the best to buy at which time. Historically, the crypto market has performed...

Multiple Nations Investigating China’s Efforts To Recruit Western Pilots

China Western Pilots

Western pilots approached with remunerative contracts to provide training to Chinese pilots. After reports about British pilots being targeted by China trying to recruit them to train the People’s Liberation Army Air Force, more countries [...]

The post Multiple Nations Investigating China’s Efforts To Recruit Western Pilots appeared first on The Aviationist.

WTL 2022 Winter – Week 6 Recap/Week 7 Preview

by: WaxWith a narrow 4-3 victory over Liquid in Week 6, ONSYDE Gaming moved into first place for the very first time this season....

‘Baltic Tiger’ drill tests Berlin-to-Tallinn flow of reinforcements

ÄMARI AIR BASE, Estonia — On a crisp October morning, nearly 30 miles from Tallinn Bay, two German Eurofighter Typhoon fighters taxied down the...

Factors affecting the competitiveness of bacterial fermentation

Sustainable production of chemicals and materials from renewable non-food biomass using biorefineries has become increasingly important in an effort toward the vision of ‘net zero carbon’ that has recently been pledged by countries around the world. Systems metabolic engineering has allowed the efficient development of microbial strains overproducing an increasing number of chemicals and materials, some of which have been translated to industrial-scale production. Fermentation is one of the key processes determining the overall economics of bioprocesses, but has recently been attracting less research attention.

Advance work in Ukraine blunted Russian cyber advantage, US says

WASHINGTON — At the Aspen Security Forum this summer, a top Biden administration official said there are “any number of theories for what we...

US Army digs deeper to develop robotic breachers

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Army is digging deeper to develop robotic breacher vehicles for the force as it heads into a prototyping effort that...

Are torpedo-killing torpedoes ready for prime time?

WASHINGTON — Manufacturers are pitching new products for neutralizing torpedoes, the most dogged enemy of surface ships, as those weapons are becoming smart enough...

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