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Tag: Linear Regression

How Markets Value Software Companies in 2023 by @ttunguz

In August of last year, public markets switched from valuing SaaS companies primarily on growth to primarily on profitability. In the past two months,...

Top 10 Machine Learning Books

Table of contents Machine learning has become a transformative field that is driving innovation and shaping various industries. Whether you’re a beginner...

Using Machine Learning and Flask Deployment to Predict Crop Yield

Agriculture is one of the most important sectors in the world, providing food and raw materials for various industries. However, the unpredictable nature of...

Supervised Learning vs. Unsupervised Learning Algorithms

IntroductionMachine Learning (ML) is a field of study that focuses on developing algorithms to learn automatically from data, making predictions and inferring patterns without...

AI Takes the Lead in Prenatal Care: Predicting Fetal Heart Rate with Precision

Researchers have recently made groundbreaking progress in the field of machine learning (ML) by developing methods that accurately identify predictors associated with fetal heart...

Welcome To EDA 4.0 And The AI-Driven Revolution

By Dan Yu, Harry Foster, and Tom Fitzpatrick Welcome to the era of EDA 4.0, where we are witnessing a revolutionary transformation in electronic design...

Machine Learning 101

Machine learning (ML) is a subfield of AI that helps train machines to make decisions or complete tasks independently by studying and learning from...

Crypto Analyst Aurelien Predicts BTC to Hit $200K in 2024, Will it ?

Crypto Analyst Aurelein predicted BTC to Hit $200K by 2024. At press time, BTC is trading at $129,113 with a decrease of 0.38% in...

Solving Business Case Study Assignments

Introduction Transport and logistics, food and shopping, payments, daily needs, business, news and entertainment, Gojek, an Indonesian firm does it all through a mobile app...

How Machine Learning is Used on Social Media Platforms in 2023?

Introduction We live in a world where social media platforms shape our interests, tailor our news feeds, and provide customized content, all thanks to machine...

Student Performance Analysis and Prediction

Introduction This article uses to predict student performance. For many applications, including online customer service, marketing, and finance, the stock price is a crucial challenge....

Everything you should know about AI models

LaMDA, GPT, and more… Nowadays, everyone talking about AI models and what they are capable of. So what’s the reason for this hype? The...

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