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Tag: KPI

What Happens When You Hire the Wrong VP (Updated)

You know how everyone says you'll never look and wish you'd kept a bad VP as long as you did? That when you make a...

What NOT to do on International Women’s Day

Every year, I get together with friends after marching on International Women’s Day (IWD), and I hear the same outrageous stories about what their...

Sage Clarity releases ABLE 4.2 cloud based IIoT solution

Sage Clarity, a provider of IIoT solutions, has announced the release of ABLE 4.2. ABLE 4.2 brings several improvements features to market, including a...

5 IoT metrics to track

IoT metrics are an essential part of managing an IoT fleet and ensuring you're in the best position to understand the value IoT delivers...

Introduction to Digital Marketing

Table of contents Digital marketing is the use of digital technologies and platforms to promote products and services, as well as to...

8 Actionable Supply Chain Trends for 2023

This post has already been read 739 times! The challenges keep coming, but companies have more options than ever for dealing with them. Joe...

Solving the Challenges in IoT

In today’s fast-paced business world, understanding the mindset of your customers is crucial to success in the IoT space. Gerhard Loots, the head of...

Pick and Pack Process: Challenges and Optimization

The pick and pack process is one of the crucial warehouse processes that can affect your perfect order rate. Failing to optimize it will...

Gross Churn Vs. Net Churn 

For SaaS and subscription companies, churn is one of the most important metrics to track for business success. Customer churn has a massive impact...

A Case Study: Superstore Sales & Profit Report Using Power BI

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon. Introduction to Power BI In today’s data-driven age, a large amount of data gets...

From 0 to 200,000 Users in 14 Months: The Tango Tale

Y’all know that I love to explore the playbooks of the best-known PLG startups, such as Hotjar (bootstrapped to $50 million+), Similarweb (IPO-ed in...

The Best Growth Advice Of 2022

It’s been a big year for OpenView’s blog, thanks to the support of readers like you.In 2022, we published loads of posts–guides, guest blogs,...

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