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Tag: initial stage

Have lenders and consumers taken on too much risk in the used vehicle portfolio?

With more than one-third of used vehicle loans in 2023 carrying loan-to-value ratios above 130%, used vehicle LTVs are at historic highs. Have lenders (and consumers)...

What are Fractionalized NFTs and how do they actually work- PrimaFelicitas

With the rising popularity of Fractionalized NFT collections, their floor prices also increase simultaneously making a barrier for crypto art enthusiasts and small investors...

Hades 2 launches in early access in 2024, will aim to repeat what made the first game a surprise hit

Following its announcement in December 2022, we now know that Hades 2 will release on Steam and the Epic Games Store in early access...

Can Blockchain Services Disrupt Global Finance? –

Blockchain services have the potential to disrupt global finance in radical new ways. Instead of substituting the already existing system, it forms an entirely...

How Blockchain Services Can Disrupt Global Finance-

Blockchain services have the potential to disrupt global finance in radical new ways. Instead of substituting the already existing system, it forms an entirely...

Light-driven bacteria could be used to target and kill cancer cells

Targeting malignant tumors with high precision is challenging for biomedical researchers. However, this scenario is likely to witness a paradigm shift in the near...

Rough Diamonds: Is that really how money laundering works?

‘Rough Diamonds’, the recent television series that delves into the world of money laundering across Europe, depicts a world where criminals try to hide...

Elon Musk’s Obsession with Letter ‘X’- A Possible Trademark Issue for Twitter in India?

As we already know, the sudden move of Twitter’s management to rebrand the popular communications platform by changing the famous ‘blue bird logo’ to...

London Business School sharpens its focus on the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Middle East – My Startup World – Everything About the World of Startups!

Luisa Alemany, Associate Professor of Management Practice at London Business School talks about the various courses and new initiatives the school is offering in...

Scientists Unveil New Results in Hunt to Pinpoint the Seat of Consciousness

Trying to understand consciousness calls to mind images of pensive philosophers in a thinking pose. Soft rock and freestyle rap with lyrics based on...

How is AI Transforming the Automotive Industry?

Right now, you may be fast-forwarding to the days when flying cars will have become a reality, but there was also a time when...

Credit freeze and global recession/depression in late 2023?

Conviction level: High Personal stake: Short positions in certain indexes and asset classes outlined on article below. Expectations: Larger decline in SPY, defaults or liquidations of...

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