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Tag: ingeniously

​​Parody Under Fire: The Misuse of Ex-Parte Injunctions in Trademark Law to Curb Satire?

On the recent Delhi High Court ex-parte injunction in favor of journalist Rajat Sharma against satirist Ravindra Kumar Choudhary, we are pleased to bring...

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Novel platform harnesses microfluidics and optics for rapid, low-cost cellular analysis

Apr 02, 2024 (Nanowerk Spotlight) Microfluidics, the technology of precisely controlling fluids at the submillimeter scale, has long held the promise of revolutionizing biological research...

China’s Blockchain Breakthrough with Conflux for Global Trade

China is venturing into the future with an innovative blockchain infrastructure platform, thanks to the strategic direction of the Conflux Network. This initiative is...

From local beginnings to global horizons: The Journey of a Brazilian aerospace pioneer – ACE (Aerospace Central Europe)

In an exclusive dialogue with ACE (Aerospace Central Europe) Magazine, Luís Colus, the CEO of LHColus, unveils the visionary path that has propelled a...

GAIMIN Raises $1.06M in IEO: Transforming Gaming with Web3

Quick Look Project: GAIMIN – Revolutionizing Gaming with Web3 and Cloud Computing Token Sale Period: 19th March – 26th March, 2024 Funds Raised So Far: $1,060,000 of...

BET SLUMBUR Introduces Groundbreaking Noise-Reducing Earplugs on Kickstarter: A Leap Forward in Auditory Health

In a significant advancement for noise reduction technology and hearing protection, BET SLUMBUR is proud to unveil its latest innovation through a Kickstarter crowdfunding...

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