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Tag: infrastructural

Ukrainian Pilots Currently Training On French Air Force Alpha Jet Trainers

Ukrainian pilots are being imparted the basics of aerial combat as part of the training in anticipation of the arrival of the F-16 in...

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Shadow IT: Risks and Remediations for Enterprise Security

What is Shadow IT? The use of external software, systems, or alternatives within an organization without explicit IT approval is called shadow IT. End users...

Silver’s Crucial Role in Achieving a Net Zero World

As investors and environmental enthusiasts scout for tangible opportunities in the green revolution, silver emerges not merely as a precious metal but as a...

Iberdrola Announces $45 Billion Investment Plan in US Power Grids

Spain’s leading power company Iberdrola has announced a staggering $45 billion investment in US power grids, bolstering energy infrastructure in the country for the...

From local beginnings to global horizons: The Journey of a Brazilian aerospace pioneer – ACE (Aerospace Central Europe)

In an exclusive dialogue with ACE (Aerospace Central Europe) Magazine, Luís Colus, the CEO of LHColus, unveils the visionary path that has propelled a...

Smart Parking Unleashed: How Data Intelligence is Revolutionizing Urban Mobility

Data-intelligence hopes to be the key to reinventing mobility in the urban context. Smart parking finds in the highly dynamic mix between data and...

Bifrost brings BTCUSD and native Bitcoin staking to Stacks Network with the launch of BTCFi – Tech Startups

Exciting news for Bitcoin holders and DeFi enthusiasts! The Bifrost Foundation, known for its focus on Proof-of-Stake (PoS) staking in the DeFi space, has...

India Showcases Mumbai Metropolis Metaverse

Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis launched the Mumbai Metropolis Metaverse on Feb. 19, offering virtual tours of the city’s infrastructural projects. The platform provides users...

Owais Metal and Mineral IPO Date, Review, Price, Allotment Details

Owais Metal and Mineral products like Manganese Oxide are used in the fertilizer industry and are also used by the Manganese Sulphate Plants. Manganese...

Unbanked and Underbanked: The Unseen Struggle

A substantial portion of the global population faces significant barriers to traditional banking services, leading to financial exclusion. The unbanked, those without any formal banking relationship,...

Realtime Payments: A Threat to Traditional Cross Border Payments

1. Introduction It is no secret to many scholars and stakeholders in the banking industry that technology is quickly reshaping the sector. Indeed, technological advances...

The War In Ukraine, Fossil Fuels, & Petro-Dictators – CleanTechnica

Sign up for daily news updates from CleanTechnica on email. Or follow us on Google News! There are many reasons the use of fossil fuels...

Boffins find AI models tend to escalate conflicts

When high school student David Lightman inadvertently dials into a military mainframe in the 1983 movie WarGames, he invites the supercomputer to play a...

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