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Tag: identify

With lidar and artificial intelligence, road status clears up after a disaster

Consider the days after a hurricane strikes. Trees and debris are blocking roads, bridges are destroyed, and sections of roadway...

5 Email Marketing Messages to Move People from Prospects to Customers

TweetShareShareEmail marketing is one of the most effective tools for cannabis businesses and cannabis-related businesses to connect with prospects and turn them into...

Device Authentication Codes based on RF Fingerprinting using Deep Learning. (arXiv:2004.08742v1 [eess.SP])

Download PDF Abstract: In this paper, we propose Device Authentication Code (DAC), a novel method for authenticating IoT devices...

Covid 19: How does nitrogen dioxide impact fatalities?

Elevated levels of nitrogen dioxide in the air may be associated with a high number of deaths from Covid-19. A new study by...

Managed Services Live announced

Press Release New virtual version of leading managed services event series for the channel IT Europa and Angel Business...

Pro-Russian Biases in Anti-Chinese Tweets about the Novel Coronavirus. (arXiv:2004.08726v1 [cs.CY])

Download PDF Abstract: The recent COVID-19 pandemic, which was first detected in Wuhan, China, has been linked to increased...

Accumulator Bet Selection Through Stochastic Diffusion Search. (arXiv:2004.08607v1 [cs.AI])

Download PDF Abstract: An accumulator is a bet that presents a rather unique payout structure, in that it combines...

Managing Evolving Client Relationships Remotely

By Haley Altman, General Manager of Transaction Management at Litera As law offices continue to close in response to the coronavirus pandemic, individual lawyers...

People Experiencing Homelessness

People who are homeless are at risk of COVID-19. Homeless services are often provided in congregate settings, which could facilitate the spread of infection. Because...

Security: Bitcoin Holders Under Attack From 700+ Malicious Ruby Developer Libraries

The cryptocurrency industry remains the primary target for cybercriminals and hackers as these bad actors continuously look for techniques to steal the...

Facebook launches map to help identify coronavirus hot spots early

Symptom data, collected by Facebook and processed by researchers, could help direct health resources in advance of geographical outbreaks. Image: Getty Images By...

Return on 5G Infrastructure Investment Remains a Puzzle

COVID-19 casts doubt on previous projections regarding 5G infrastructure investment. Key takeaways in this article: While 5G deployments are moving ahead, the promise of ubiquitous...

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