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Tag: identify

Coronavirus tests that can reveal who has already recovered will become available in ‘a week or so,’ Fauci says. Those people could go back...

More than 95% of Americans are under stay-at-home orders, and at least one-third of the world is under some type of lockdown.The restrictions...

Zoom, Kubernetes, and Hacking – PSW #646

A little about Zoom vulnerabilities and data leaks and Cisco Webex vulnerabilities. We talk about security Kubernetes and how the same security...

This machine-learning upstart trained software to snare online drug dealers. Now it’s going after fake coronavirus test equipment peddlers

US govt-funded outfit hopes to kill off web quackery that puts us all at risk Machine-learning software to snare scammers hawking fake COVID-19...

How to use Twitter during the coronavirus pandemic without falling into a black hole of anxiety

How do you balance staying informed and staying mentally healthy? Image: Bob Al-Greene / Mashable By Alex Perry2020-04-10 15:43:18 UTC I don't...

Tide adds clarity to government cash for businesses with Eligibility Tracker  

Tide’s Coronavirus Government Support Eligibility Checker will tell businesses which support schemes they are eligible for This service will be offered for free on...

12 Use Cases of AI and Machine Learning In Finance

In today’s era of digitization, staying updated on technological advancements is a necessity for businesses to both outsmart the competition and achieve desired business...

What the heck is SegWit

People who joined the crazy world of Bitcoin near the end of 2017, have been bombarded by the word SegWit as they peeked...

Prime XBT Review: Complete Exchange Overview

Prime XBT is a relatively well established cryptocurrency exchange that is giving clients the ability to trade a number of assets including crypto,...

Federal Government Moving to Implement AI More Widely

By AI Trends Staff The VA is planning to expand its use of AI; the IRS is moving to employ more...

Cutting Edge AI from Thoughts into Text, to Advanced Car Parking

By AI Trends Staff Neuroscientists at the University of California, San Francisco, are working on an AI program to turn thoughts...

Ransomware evolved – New Maze attack adds threat of data publication to existing ransomware model

Reading Time: 6 minutesMaze creators threaten to publish the confidential data of victims unless the ransom is paid. Comodo Cyber Security...

Facebook Sues User for Cloaking Ads for Fake COVID-19 News and Crypto Scams

Facebook and Instagram filed suit against a user who, they allege, operated a cloaking service that allowed ads for a range of scams...

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