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Tag: forests

Microsoft Strikes 2 Record-Breaking Carbon Credit Deals

Microsoft has entered into a groundbreaking agreement with BTG Pactual Timberland Investment Group (TIG), committing to provide 8 million carbon removal credits, marking the...

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Govt restoring legal requirement to promote mining

Rangatahi gear up to tackle climate change in World Vision challenge Wednesday - Media release | A rugby star, prominent TikTok content creators, singer, actor,... Basic...

China’s HH-100 Unmanned Transport Aircraft Undertakes First Flight

On Apr. 3, 2024 the unmanned aircraft was announced ready for its maiden flight, after it performed a “final high-speed taxi trial”. China’s HH-100 unmanned...

Download your new iOS 18 wallpaper or DIY with AI

Which official iOS 18 wallpaper will be your favorite? Following the unveiling of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 at WWDC 2024 on Monday, Apple has...

Rangatahi gear up to tackle climate change in World Vision challenge

Media release | A rugby star, prominent TikTok content creators, singer, actor, teacher and climate activist are just some of the well-known New Zealanders...

Top 10 Contributors to CO2 Pollution in the US in 2024

As the fight against climate change continues, understanding the primary sources of CO2 pollution and environmental problems is crucial for effective mitigation. In 2024,...

Climate activists force conference to move online

Government signs Indo-Pacific economic agreements to boost trade Friday - Media release | Trade Minister Todd McClay and Climate Change Minister Simon... Octopus Energy to pay...

5 Machine Learning Models Explained in 5 Minutes

Image by author  Machine learning is a type of computer algorithm that helps machines learn without the need for explicit programming. Today, we see applications of...

What makes DGB’s reforestation projects unique?

Forests are among the most vital resources on our planet, providing essential benefits that support life on Earth. They generate clean air and water,...

Carbon price up 20% – Carbon News

NZ to invest $20 million in renewable energy project for Niue Thursday - Media release | Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and Niue Premier Dalton... Humanity must...

Tiwai deal could lead to multi-billion dollar govt carbon pollution subsidy

Humanity must extract seven to nine billion tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere every year Wednesday - Media release | New State of Carbon Dioxide...

Our Land, Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration. 5 June is World Environment Day.

Today is Wednesday, 5 June 2024.“We cannot turn back time, but we can grow forests, revive water sources, and bring back soils. We are...

World’s island states blame richest countries for climate threats

New programme offers planet-friendly guidance for NZ’s not-for-profits Today 11:45am - Media release | Carbon footprint tracking expert Cogo has collaborated with the... Hutt City Council...

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