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Across a Continent, Trees Sync Their Fruiting to the Sun | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionEach summer, like clockwork, millions of beech trees throughout Europe sync up, tuning their reproductive physiology to one another. Within a matter of days,...

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Code S RO16 – Group B: herO and soO advance

by WaxGSL Code S's reputation as the most difficult SC2 competition in the world may have faded considerably over the years, but Group B...

Australia’s Conundrum: A Coherent Defense Plan Needs a Coherent National Strategy

In a recent address to Australia’s National Press Club (NPC), Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Richard Marles summarized the core tenets of...

The animated sci-fi mystery Mars Express aims high and lands among the stars

Science fiction has always been a fertile genre for telling stories that revolve around mysteries. From Ridley Scott’s classic Blade Runner to Mamoru Oshii’s...

With Chinese warships anchoring in Cambodia, the US needs to respond

The recent mooring of Chinese warships at Cambodia’s Ream Naval Base marked the unofficial inauguration of China’s first overseas naval post in the Indo-Pacific...

From customer to sanctioned ‘proliferator,’ drones extend Iran’s reach

Days after Iran’s unprecedented and largely unsuccessful bombarding of Israel, the U.S. and U.K. levied additional sanctions on the regime’s manufacturers and sources of...

Environmental DNA Is Everywhere. Scientists Are Gathering It All.

In the late 1980s, at a federal research facility in Pensacola, Florida, Tamar Barkay used mud in a way that proved revolutionary in a...

Scope 3 Emission Barriers Cause Hundreds of Corporations to Abandon Net-Zero Goals

A growing number of reputable companies have seen their Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) goals withdrawn. The reason? An inability to meet the stringent requirements...

How Much Marijuana To Take To Be Happy

The concept of popping open a beer after work was ingrained in the boomer generation as a way to relax and shake off the...

Anduril attack drone deemed ‘accurate and effective’ in Dugway trials

An Anduril Industries drone capable of carrying a warhead weighing 33 pounds scored direct hits on several targets during military testing in Utah, the...

Investing in Vacation Rentals: Expert Tips for Profit in 2024

Click here to browse our Real Estate Agent Directory and contact top-rated agents in your area! Investing in vacation rentals can be one of...

Congress’ FY24 budget must help the microelectronics industry

The impact of the pandemic and recent interruptions to global shipping have made evident the risks associated with far-flung supply chains for the goods...

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