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Tag: different

Flare | Data Visualization for the Web

Flare makes it easy to create interactive data visualizations To begin making your own visualizations, download flare and work through the tutorial below. Need...

How to Make & Setup A VPN Server – 2020 DIY Guide

The Internet is no longer a safe place. Sometimes it seems that the Internet was designed to make it easy for governments, businesses, and...

10 Games Like Papers Please You Need to be Playing

Papers, Please, originally developed by Lucas Pope and released through 3909 LLC in 2013, is an indie game. Living up to its tagline as “a...

Designing Medical Products for Home-Based Care

The transition from hospital-based care to home-based care has been going on for some time. The COVID-19 pandemic has sped that movement up considerably. As we continue to deal with the pandemic, medical products for home-based care will be increasingly needed. In addition to products and devices aimed specifically at COVID, solutions to enhance the [...]

Game Changers Deep Dive: Glasgow’s Climate Action Story

Glasgow’s Climate Action Story By Gavin Slater, Head of Sustainability, Neighbourhoods & Sustainability, Glasgow City Council The City of Glasgow has experienced constant change and evolution. In 1765, James Watt, while walking on Glasgow Green, conceived of the separate condenser to the steam engine and, thus, set about an acceleration of the evolution of the industrial age and inadvertently enabled the acceleration of climate change. In the years that followed, Glasgow became an industrial powerhouse. The ripples from that one moment in time here in Glasgow lapped the shores of the entire world, changing it just as much as it transformed us.  Since then we have generated new ways of urban living, but with them has come the generation of the greenhouse gases that have […]

Hop online: How gaming tournaments bring students together during quarantine

Hop online: How gaming tournaments bring students together during quarantine

Video games and esports are seeing an unexpected boom as many people are confined to their homes. Similarly, student organizations focused on gaming are staying connected in ways that other clubs can’t.
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The Daily Californian

Alpha and Beta Prototypes – What’s the Difference?

Alpha and Beta prototypes – what’s the difference? If you’re confused by the terms "alpha and beta prototypes", don’t feel bad. Many people are in that boat with you. Also, the terms hold different connotations for different industries (software vs hardware, for instance). Because my field is medical device design, I’ll be talking about hardware [...]

How to Buy, Sell and Change a Workshop in Bannerlord

Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord features a diverse economic system. With caravans ferrying goods across the map, villagers selling their produce, and workshops turning...

Seven Factors Impacting Business Valuation

Determining the value of a business is far from a straightforward discounted cash flow calculation. Regardless of whether a business owner relies on themselves,...

We both caught the Coronavirus…

My wife and I were both ill with the symptoms of COVID-19. While we were ill, we were looking for information about other people’s experience...

High Score Interview: Zach “Yoderlaheehoo” Yoder

The week before Frostbite, we were excited to sponsor Smash N Chill, run by Kevandre “AmiiboKing” Thompson. During the tournament, we were able to sit down and talk to a few of the players. Zach “Yoderlaheehoo” Yoder was one of those players. While he plays on the Concordia University Smash team, this was Zach’s first tournament […]

The post High Score Interview: Zach “Yoderlaheehoo” Yoder appeared first on High Score Esports.

Game Changers Deep Dive: Amsterdam Launches Climate Neutral Roadmap 2050

Launch Of Amsterdam’s Climate Neutral Roadmap: An Interview With Deputy Mayor Marieke Van Doorninck Q: Many cities aim for climate neutrality in 2050 – what...

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