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Tag: Cubic

Togges Looks Like a Delightful Puzzle Platformer in PS5, PS4 Launch Trailer

It's impossible to cover absolutely everything when games come out at such a clip, so some genuinely interesting-looking stuff inevitably falls through the cracks....

First Drive: 2022 Volvo XC60 Recharge

Volvo is a company that was destined to make SUVs. All the people who drive SUVs today would have been in station wagons in...

Physics World reveals its top 10 Breakthroughs of the Year for 2022

Physics World is delighted to announce its top 10 Breakthroughs of the Year for 2022, which span everything from quantum and...

Heat Pumps On Fire Globally — As In, Getting Much More Popular

Sales set to hit new records, helping save energy and emissions, but policy action is needed to unblock bottlenecks such as upfront costs and...

Tesla discusses lithium refining facility’s water supply in Nueces

By Maria Merano Posted on December 5, 2022 ...

Air France-KLM and TotalEnergies sign memorandum of understanding to supply sustainable aviation fuel for 10 years 

Air France-KLM and TotalEnergies have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will see TotalEnergies deliver more than one million cubic metres or 800,000...

Long-lived hot electrons spotted in ‘wonder’ semiconductor

By combining scanning electron microscopy with ultrashort laser pulses, researchers in the US have shown...

IceCube detects high-energy neutrinos from an active galactic nucleus

High-energy neutrinos from the active galactic nucleus (AGN) at the heart of the Messier 77...

Salem Area Mass Transit District selects Umo to implement account based ticketing and fare capping

San Diego, United States – Salem Area Mass Transit District (SAMTD) has finalised its contract with Cubic Transportation Systems (Cubic) to deliver the Umo mobility platform as its...

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