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Tag: cookies

Is it time for “Always on SSL”?

Reading Time: 2 minutes SSL is widely used today to secure communication on web pages that send sensitive information to a web server, such...

Study: Americans Believe They Have Lost Control of Privacy

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Pew Research Institute released a study recently that shows that over 91% of Americans believe that consumers have lost...

Apple Fixes Tame POODLE Bug on Macs

Reading Time: 1 minuteApple has released fixes for OS X Mountain Lion v10.8.5 and OS X Mavericks v10.9.5 to address vulnerabilities in SSL...

ADVISORY: POODLE Threat Requires Immediate Attention

Reading Time: 3 minutesThis has been a rough year in Internet Security. There has been a deluge of data breaches, especially against Point-of-Sale...

Comodo Adds New Chromium Secure to Your Choice of Secure Browsers

Reading Time: 1 minuteComodo has released a new Chromium browser that has all of the features of our popular Comodo Dragon browser, but...

Senate Report Exposes Dangers of Online Advertising and Malvertising

Reading Time: 2 minutesImproving privacy and security while browsing has been a major objective for Comodo in recent product releases and enhancements, and...

Comodo Releases Internet Security 7: The Best Gets Better!

Reading Time: 2 minutesComodo Internet Security (CIS) is a robust suite of computer security systems, including a firewall and multiple layers of defense...

Comodo Dragon is Armed Against Malvertising

Reading Time: 2 minutes Malvertising The first time I saw the term I thought it was a typo. In fact, it is a term that...

You Are Being Watched!

Reading Time: 3 minutes“You are being watched. The government has a secret system: a machine that spies on you every hour of every...

New Vulnerabilities Found in D-Link Routers

Reading Time: 1 minuteA router can be a gateway to the wonders of the internet. Unfortunately, it can also be a doorway through...

Google’s New Desktop Chrome Apps Follow in Comodo’s Footsteps

Reading Time: 3 minutesIt’s not only a matter of which came first: Google’s Chrome Apps experience or Comodo’s Virtual Kiosk; it’s also a...

10 Tips for a Less Risky Internet Experience

Reading Time: 3 minutes The Internet can be a dangerous place to operate.  It is increasingly looking like a bad neighborhood when the police...

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