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Tag: business

New TeslaCrypt Ransomware is Extremely Dangerous – Unless You’re Protected by Comodo

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe model is familiar: Software developers work tirelessly to improve their product, releasing new versions to add new features or fix...

FROM THE COMODO LABS: Malware Attack Targeted Customers of FedEx Shipping

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe Comodo Threat Research Labs (CTRL) team has identified a malware attack that was targeted specifically at business and consumer...

From Accelerators to Venture Capital: What is best for your startup?

With startup growth up 61% since 2014 and more investment programs emerging, it can be overwhelming for founders to know just...

Things to consider before hiring freelance translators

“The Internet is in English”It’s easy to fall under this illusion. Even though this statement used to hold true in the 90s, nowadays...

The Buzz on Comodo 360

Reading Time: 2 minutesAll the buzz out of RSA was about how cyber security companies can differentiate themselves in a crowded...

CALLING ALL MSPs: Leverage the Power of RMM and Comodo One With a Free 1:1 Personalized Webinar

Reading Time: 1 minuteAre you an MSP looking for a way to save money on expensive licensing fees and costs? Of course you...

The App Guy Podcast: Vasco Pedro shares his advice on how to successfully grow your startup

Unbabel’s CEO Vasco Pedro was recently a guest on The App Guy Podcast hosted by Paul Kemp. He spoke about going through Y...

Ask A Founder: Startup Lessons Learned from Work Truck Solutions’ Kathryn Schifferle

Kathryn Schifferle, Founder and CEO of Work Truck Solutions, turned being a woman in work trucks into an oversubscribed $2.1 million...

Comodo Launches New Cloud Delivered Secure Web Platform

Reading Time: 2 minutesWhen is building walls and boundaries a good thing? When sensitive corporate financial and internal data is at risk, of...

Silicon Alley Closes 2015 On Top In A Boom Year For Startups

For three out of four quarters in 2015, New York City’s tech ecosystem has led with more startup funding requests than...

Safer Internet Day – What Can You Do To Keep Your Network Protected

Reading Time: 4 minutesToday, the second Tuesday of February, has been marked as “Safer Internet Day. For the past decade, it has served...

Angel Investors Spotlight: An Inside Look at Hudson Valley Startup Fund’s Investment Process & Advice for Founders

Hudson Valley Startup Fund brings together a network of the region’s successful business and community leaders to give back, supporting the...

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