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Tag: blankets

Implement exact match with Amazon Lex QnAIntent | Amazon Web Services

This post is a continuation of Creating Natural Conversations with Amazon Lex QnAIntent and Amazon Bedrock Knowledge Base. In summary, we explored new capabilities...

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Three Fusion Trends to Watch in 2024: Growth in Asia, Move Towards Stellarators, and Continued Advancement of Novel Fusion Technologies | Cleantech Group

In the realm of clean energy, the fusion sector is witnessing a shift marked by notable trends that promise to reshape the landscape of...

Gelato Canna Co. Hosts Community Giveback to Unhoused San Diego Residents

Gelato Canna Co. hosted a community giveback event over the weekend, providing hot meals and other essential items to help alleviate San Diego’s unhoused crisis....

Reimagined onboard experience with American Airlines takes off with launch of new amenities

American launches airline’s first-ever rotating collection of premium onboard amenities, along with new bedding. Throughout the year, new inflight amenities will feature diverse designers and...

Fresh Food, Dance Class, and Nap Mats: What’s Lost Without Federal Money for Child Care – EdSurge News

It’s 5 a.m. and Tiffany Gale is up, as she is every morning, and the first thing she does is check to see if...

Russia launches crew of three, including U.S. astronaut, to space station

Two days after a rare last-second launch abort, a Russian Soyuz spacecraft blasted off Saturday on a flight to the International Space Station, carrying...

The Top Gadgets for Lords Mobile – Mark’s Angry Review

You would be forgiven if you thought that the Lords Mobile experience was limited to only existing within your phone. Even though you may...

8 Valuable Lessons I Learned From an Interior Designer

8 Valuable Lessons I Learned From an Interior Designer Have you ever walked into a beautifully designed room and wondered what makes it look so...

7 Important Staging Tips When Selling Your Home

7 Important Staging Tips When Selling Your Home If you’re getting ready to list your home for sale one of the many steps you’ll want...

What Hezbollah’s Fortifications Teach Us About North Korean Defenses

In the aftermath of the outbreak of open hostilities between Israel and Palestinian militia groups based in the Gaza Strip on October 7, the...

WTL Winter 2023 – Awards + Team Grades

by: Nakajin2023 has come to a close, and so has the WTL Winter regular season. We expected it to be a season of unparalleled...

Stay high in Dry January on Blue Dream—2024’s first Leafly HighLight strain

Holy shinobi, Batman! Leafly HighLight has entered Year Three of celebrating all-star strains of American dispensaries. The Leafly HighLight Hall of Flame now boasts...

Turn your car into a comfortable camper for less than $100 | Autoblog – Autoblog

Autoblog may receive a share from purchases made via links on this page. Pricing and availability are subject to change. Camper van conversions have...

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