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Tag: Bioeconomy

Cell-Free Biomanufacturing: Decentralized Approach for Fuels & Chemicals Synthesis | Cleantech Group

Chemicals manufacturing consumes approximately 10% of fossil fuels produced globally and expensive heavy metal or rare earth catalysts, the latter known to be increasingly...

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These Bacteria Eat Plastic Waste—and Then Transform It Into Useful Products

The first time I heard about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, I thought it was a bad joke.My incredulity soon turned to horror when...

U.S. Frontiers in Biotech: Interview with Abigail Kukura about Strategy, Science, and the Road Ahead

Biotechnology is more than just an emerging scientific frontier, it also impacts global economy, competition, and societal transformation. To learn about a more expanded...

The plant biostimulant market is set to boom

With a growing population comes increased demand for food and produce. And from natural fertilizers such as ground bones and manure to human-made and...

How Treesearch is studying the secrets of forest materials with synchrotron science – Physics World

Sweden’s Treesearch initiative is partnering with large-scale research facilities like the MAX IV synchrotron laboratory to realize sustainable products based on...

China and New Zealand strengthen forestry cooperation

Media release - A bilateral meeting between New Zealand and China will pave the way for further cooperation in forestry, climate change and trade,...

Systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms for food and cosmetics production – Nature Reviews Bioengineering

Choi, K. R., Yu, H. E. & Lee, S. Y. Microbial food: microorganisms repurposed for our food. Microb. Biotechnol. 15, 18–25 (2022).Article  Google...

A PETase enzyme synthesised in the chloroplast of the microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is active against post-consumer plastics – Scientific Reports

Chen, C. C., Dai, L., Ma, L. & Guo, R. T. Enzymatic degradation of plant biomass and synthetic polymers. Nat. Rev. Chem. 4, 114–126...

Single-use bioplastic sheets made from agricultural waste

Jun 18, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Plastic waste is a big problem for the environment, especially small plastics like bread clips that are hard to...

Biopharma & biomanufacturing: addressing climate challenges

“Sustainability questions have become a predominant interest amongst foreign delegations,” said John Murphy, Chief Policy Officer at the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO). Moderating a...

Cropped 7 June 2023: EU nature law battles; Amazon in focus; Innovate4Climate conference – Carbon Brief

Welcome to Carbon Brief’s Cropped. We handpick and explain the most important stories at the intersection of climate, land, food and nature over the past...

Introducing the Blue Bio Value Acceleration Programme 2023: Accelerating Innovation in Blue Biotechnology | EU-Startups

It’s Back! The pioneering programme Blue Bio Value returns this 2023 to support ocean-bio-based sustainable solutions to address the current climate, environmental and social...

With formic acid towards CO2 neutrality

May 15, 2023 (Nanowerk News) New synthetic metabolic pathways for fixation of carbon dioxide could not only help to reduce the carbon dioxide content...

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