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Tag: bacon

CoderZ Launches New Code Farm Coding and Robotics Course for Grades Four Through Six

DERRY, N.H. – When young students learn coding, they hone skills – such as computational thinking and collaboration – that enhance their success...

Philippine Block Awards Presents UnionBank Chairman with Leader of the Year Accolade

Share some Bitpinas love:Subscribe to our newsletter!Editing by Nathaniel CajudayIn line with the celebration of the Philippine Blockchain Week, an awards night called the...

Forza Horizon 5 Festival Playlist Weekly Challenges Guide Series 14 – Spring

Spring has sprung over in Mexico, in Forza Horizon 5 land no less, and with the final week of Series 14. I swear that...

Donations From Papa Johns Fundraisers Are As Sweet As The Sauce

It all started in a broom closet over 3 decades ago and ballooned like well-made dough into a pizza chain spanning the globe. Any...

This ‘Shark Tank’ Startup Is Making Vegan Bacon Out of Seaweed

More people are opting to go vegetarian or vegan as factory farming’s impact on the planet becomes more apparent. But one carnivorous delight they...

Structural Adjustment: How The IMF And World Bank Repress Poor Countries And Funnel Their Resources To Rich Ones

During the gold standard, the violence of colonialism corrupted a neutral monetary standard. In the post-colonial world, a fiat monetary standard — upheld by...

Every Marvel Cinematic Universe TV show, ranked

The debut of WandaVision on Disney Plus in 2021 marked a new era for Marvel-branded TV series: one where Marvel Studios more expressly started...

Black Adam, The Woman King, and every other movie you can stream from home this weekend

Black Adam, the new DC superhero film starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as the eponymous superhuman antihero, finally comes to VOD this weekend. It’s...

The 40th Golden Joystick Awards to be hosted by Troy Baker and Laura Bailey

Audio player loading… The 40th Golden Joystick Awards will be hosted by actors Laura Bailey and Troy Baker (Abby and Joel in The Last...

PMGC 2022 League Group Green Day 2: Overall Standings, Results and more

The second day of PMGC 2022 league stage featuring the group green ended with the same team at the top of the overall leaderboard....

Hackaday Links: August 21, 2022

As side-channel attacks go, it’s one of the weirder ones we’ve heard of. But the tech news was filled with stories this week about...

Bitget Review 2022: Crypto Exchange with BIG Potential!

<!-- --> Those of us who have been kicking around the crypto space for more than a day know all about...

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