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Tag: audience

Second Annual Healthcare Blockchain Summit To Be Held on June 11-12 in Boston

The Second Annual Healthcare Blockchain Summit, organized by The Center for Business Innovation (TCBI) and Krysalis Labs, will be held in Boston on...

148 – 4 Pillars of an Audience Building Platform

What are the key components you need to build a strong audience? Find out in today’s session. Highlights of this Session Include 4 Platform Elements A...

Making sense of AI tools for marketing

Not a week goes by without some new artificial-intelligence-powered product being marketed to marketers. For marketers wanting to gain an edge on the...

147 – GDPR is Coming! What Creators Like Us Need to Know and Do Before May 25!

The General Data Protection Regulation, a privacy law from the European Union, goes into effect May 25, 2018, and has major consequences for...

Vigilant Aerospace CEO Presentation at XPONENTIAL 2018: Emerging UAS Tech to Enable Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight and Safe Airspace Integration

Vigilant Aerospace would like to thank everyone who attended our Solutions Theater presentation on “Emerging Technology and Solutions for UAS Airspace Integration and Active Detect-and-Avoid to Enable Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight Flight” last week at AUVSI XPONENTIAL 2018 in Denver, Colorado. The presentation was well attended and produced great questions from the audience during and after […]

The post Vigilant Aerospace CEO Presentation at XPONENTIAL 2018: Emerging UAS Tech to Enable Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight and Safe Airspace Integration appeared first on Vigilant Aerospace Systems, Inc..

R3 Corda: Deep dive and technical review

A detailed look at the non-blockchain blockchainAs time goes on, the blockchain world has been separating into two distinct parts. On one hand,...

Automating customer support: do humans really need human help?

According to Reputation Builder, an angry customer is two or three times more likely to leave a negative review, and 80% of customers...

How Zendesk and GoCardless place customer support at the heart of their international expansion strategies

If you’re big enough – or growing fast enough – to be developing your international business strategy, eventually you’re going to bump up...

How to speak to an international audience

Communicating with people in a personal and targeted way is a basic skill every business needs to develop. But this can be difficult...

142 – Engaging an Audience and Overdelivering with Charlie Stickney of White Ash

Charlie Stickney, writer and creator of White Ash, shares his innovative campaign and promotion strategies for notching two five figure comic book...

What Unbabel’s Translation as a Service can do for the media industry

Your video content has the potential to be global. And you want it to go global. You want it to go global from...

140 – How “CHUNKING” Can Improve Your Art and Life with Chris Orndoff of Headmetal Press

Writer and creator of Headmetal Press Christopher Michael Orndoff explains what “CHUNKING” is and how you can use it to make better art. Highlights...

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