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Tag: Amazon

New Video: Remote ID for Commercial UAS – What is it, How does it work, and Why does it matter?

Vigilant Aerospace Systems’ CEO Kraettli Epperson recently presented a webinar titled “Remote ID for Commercial UAS: What is it, How does it work, and Why does it matter?” “Remote ID matters, first and foremost, as a national security and public safety issue. The idea behind Remote ID as a policy in particular is that would […]

The post New Video: Remote ID for Commercial UAS – What is it, How does it work, and Why does it matter? appeared first on Vigilant Aerospace Systems, Inc..

Self-transforming robot blocks jump, spin, flip, and identify each other

Swarms of simple, interacting robots have the potential to unlock stealthy abilities for accomplishing complex tasks. Getting these robots to...

Golem Review: Decentralised Blockchain Super Computer

Those that have been involved with cryptocurrencies for some time have probably heard of the Golem (GNT) project before, because it was a...

The Future is Bright: Fortune’s Future 50 List Ranks Xilinx Tops in Semis!

Fortune Magazine has published its “Future 50” list for 2019, ranking the top global companies with the best prospects for long-term growth—and...

What Did I Learn From the First VC Check I Ever Wrote?

I became a VC 12 years ago in 2007 when the pace of deals was much slower. I had just left Salesforce.com where...

Live! XDF Xclusive News

Victor’s keynote kickoff Our 3rd annual Xilinx Developer Forum (XDF) 2019 kicked off today with our CEO Victor Peng’s opening keynote, addressing the more...

Cryptocurrency Copy Trading in 2020

Cryptocurrency trading may seem like an easy passive income opportunity, but it's not exactly like that. It can be lucrative and not too tiring...

102 Millionen US-Dollar für das Startup Dfinity mit dem Blockchain-Supercomputer

31.08.2018, 12:13 Uhr Das Schweizer Blockchain-Startup Dfinity baut einen dezentralen Cloud-Computer,...

102 Millionen Dollar für das Startup mit dem Blockchain-Supercomputer

31.08.2018, 12:13 Uhr Das Schweizer Blockchain-Startup Dfinity baut einen dezentralen Cloud-Computer,...

What Blockchain Means for Contemporary Art #ArtTuesday

via HYPERALLERGICSince Satoshi Nakamoto outlined the fundamentals of blockchain in his 2008 paper “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,” the technology’s assemblage of...

People Don’t Trust Blockchain Systems

Photo illustration by Slate. Photo by Getty Images Plus. ...

MIB: Paul Vigna on Blockchain & Cryptocurrency

This week, we speak with Paul Vigna, reporter for the Wall Street Journal and author of several books about Crypto and Blockchain, including The...

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