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Tag: Adoption

Top 10 Expectations for Spatial Computing in 2020

29 Dec Top 10 Expectations for Spatial Computing in 2020 It’s that time of year. The end of another...

What is Stellar? | The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

Stellar is an open platform for building financial products that connect banks, people, and payment networks everywhere. Founded by an accomplished crypto entrepreneur...

Santander is exploring Bitcoin’s blockchain to save $20 billion per year

We already know that the financial world is interested in the blockchain, Bitcoin’s core technology. Nasdaq, Swiss bank UBS and tech giant IBM are...

Best Cosmos ATOM Wallets: 7 Safest Storage & Staking Options

Cosmos (ATOM) is a project that is trying to solve the problems of scalability & interoperability plaguing blockchains. They want to build an...

When machine learning packs an economic punch

A new study co-authored by an MIT economist shows that improved translation software can significantly boost international trade online —...

What are zkSNARKs? | The Complete Guide

As more people have embraced Bitcoin and the amazing technology that makes it function, they have also discovered some of its most important...

Orchid Review of OXT: Blockchain Based VPN Network

Orchid is building the world’s first VPN on a blockchain. The project has picked up an immense amount of interest since its OXT...

TOP 25 Artificial Intelligence Companies 2019

Official Announcement The Evaluation Committee has completed the evaluations for the AI Time Journal TOP 25 Artificial Intelligence Companies 2019. A Recognition to AI...

Scope AR eBook Series Guides Enterprises Through AR Adoption

“A lot of the people who were coming to us knew about AR as a hot technology but didn’t really understand how it...

To List or Not to List? NYDFS Seeks Comment on Proposed Rules Authorizing Bitlicensees to Self-Certify Cryptocurrency Listings

Daniel S. Cohen and Jeremy M. McLaughlin On December 11, 2019, the New York Department of Financial Services (“NYDFS”) published...

2019 was a year of steady infrastructural progress

CoinDesk 2019 Year In Revew This post is part of CoinDesk’s 2019 Year in Review, a collection of 100 op-eds, interviews and...

Canright Comment on FedNow Realtime Payments Proposal

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System sought comment on the proposal “to develop a new interbank 24x7x365 real-time gross...

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