
Del två: SMART LAGER – Robotik, automation, sensor, RFID


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Datum: Onsdagen den 28 september 2022

Tid: 12: 00 PM ET

Live-webinar: 1 timme

REDAKTÖRENS ANMÄRKNING: Detta är avsnitt 2 av vår webinarserie med Deloitte Consulting. Komma ikapp på Avsnitt 1.


Warehousing and distribution have changed more in the last 5 years than in the past 35 years and companies are currently dealing with a number of logistics challenges including labor shortages/attrition and lack of supply chain visibility, combined with customer expectations of 1-2 day shipping and order accuracy.

The pre-pandemic distribution network was not designed to accommodate the current challenges leaving many companies scrambling to support the new normal.


Vad du tar med dig:

In this webinar, we will explore available technology that leading companies are using to improve warehouse efficiency, speed, and accuracy including automation, cobots, sensors, and RFID.

With so many new technologies available it can be daunting to understand what are the applications and limitations for the technology and which technology is right for you.

Vad kan du göra just nu? Vad kan du göra för att planera framåt?


Christian Riemann, Managing Director and Logistics Practice Leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP


Robert Bowman, ChefredaktörSupplyChainBrain


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