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Theoretical Analysis of Thermal Transport in Graphene Supported on Hexagonal Boron Nitride: The Importance of Strong Adhesion Due to π-Bond Polarization

One important attribute of graphene that makes it attractive for high-performance electronics is its inherently large thermal conductivity (κ) for the purposes of...

Current-Temperature Scaling for a Schottky Interface with Nonparabolic Energy Dispersion

In this paper, we study the Schottky transport in a narrow-gap semiconductor and few-layer graphene in which the energy dispersions are highly nonparabolic....

For first time, researchers see individual atoms keep away from each other or bunch up as pairs

If you bottle up a gas and try to image its atoms using today’s most powerful microscopes, you will see...

Anomalous Dynamical Behavior of Freestanding Graphene Membranes

We report subnanometer, high-bandwidth measurements of the out-of-plane (vertical) motion of atoms in freestanding graphene using scanning tunneling microscopy. By tracking the vertical...

Erratum: Quantum superconducting criticality in graphene and topological insulators [Phys. Rev. B 87, 041401(R) (2013)]

COVID-19 has impacted many institutions and organizations around the world, disrupting the progress of research. Through this difficult time APS and the Physical...

Erratum: Quantum superconducting criticality in graphene and topological insulators [Phys. Rev. B 87, 041401(R) (2013)]

COVID-19 has impacted many institutions and organizations around the world, disrupting the progress of research. Through this difficult time APS and the Physical...

Comment on “Orientation dependence of the optical spectra in graphene at high frequencies”

Zhang et al. reported a theoretical study of the optical spectra of monolayer graphene employing the Kubo formula within a tight-binding model. Their...

Erratum: Asymptotic freedom at zero temperature in free-standing crystalline membranes [Phys. Rev. B 89, 125433 (2014)]

Journal: Volume: Article: Source: http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.94.079904

Toward practical quantum computers

Quantum computers are largely hypothetical devices that could perform some calculations much more rapidly than conventional computers can. Instead of...

Photoconductivity of Graphene in Proximity to LaAlO_{3} /SrTiO_{3} Heterostructures: Phenomenon and Photosensor Applications

Long Cheng1, Xiaodong Fan1, Laiming Wei1,2,†, Juanjuan Lu1, Haixing Liang1, Ji Qi1, and Changgan Zeng1,2,3,*1Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale...

PT Symmetry and Singularity-Enhanced Sensing Based on Photoexcited Graphene Metasurfaces

We introduce here a parity-time-(PT) symmetric system using an optically pumped, active graphene metasurface paired with a resistive metallic filament, realizing a unidirectional...

Evidencing the need for high spatial resolution in angle-resolved photoemission experiments

Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is the most direct tool to measure the electronic structure of materials. In particular, fine features of the spectra...

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