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Quantum News Briefs May 25: Amazon taps Finland’s IQM for its first EU quantum computing service; IBM & Moderna Partner on Quantum for Biotech; RJ100 research aircraft trials technology for quantum-based inertial navigation – Inside Quantum Technology


IQM Garnet, a 20-qubit quantum processing unit (QPU) is now available via Amazon Web Services (AWS) — the first quantum computer accessible via AWS’ cloud in the European Union, according to TNW’s Linnea Ahlgren .

This also means that it is the first time Amazon’s quantum services will be accessible to end users in its AWS Europe (Stockholm) Region. It is also the first time IQM’s quantum computers will be available in an on-demand structure via the cloud, and with AWS’ pay-as-you-go pricing

IQM is based outside of Helsinki, Finland. AWS previously has collaborations in place with IonQ, Oxford Quantum Circuits, QuEra, and Rigetti for its quantum cloud service known as Braket, but this will be the first AWS quantum processor hosted within the EU.

IQM Gold Sponsor of Inside Quantum Technology Vancouver/Pacific Rim June 4-6, 2024

In Other News: “IBM & Moderna Partner on Quantum for Biotech”

Pharmaceutical company Moderna is working with IBM to evaluate whether a quantum algorithm could accurately predict stable mRNA structures more accurately than current technology, according to May 24 article in  IOT World by Editor Bernice Baker.

The companies are collaborating to better predict secondary structure in mRNA. This process is a critical task in molecular biology that challenges classical computers as the sequence gets longer and accelerating the process could help develop novel mRNA vaccines more efficiently. Moderna and IBM are first benchmarking using a quantum computer against a classical Cplex protein analysis solver. Cplex is a software tool that solves complex optimization problems.As a next step, IBM and Moderna plan to use the new algorithm with longer mRNA sequences that Cplex and classical computing can.

Moderna used its established R&D resources to develop a COVID-19 vaccine at record speed at the height of the pandemic.

In Other News: FlightGlobal reports RJ100 research aircraft trials technology for quantum-based inertial navigation

Commercial flight trials, using a BAE Systems Avro RJ100 of UK engineering research specialist Qinetiq, have demonstrated the potential of quantum-based technology to achieve more resilient position, navigation and timing services, according to David Kaminski-Morrow of Flight Global.

Quantum physics could offer commercial aircraft an alternative to satellite-based navigation, by enhancing the accuracy of inertial systems while avoiding disruption and jamming. Relatively weak satellite signals are vulnerable to interference. ICAO analysis revealed over 520 reported instances of jamming or suspected interference in the Middle East and North Africa region alone during 2022.

Over the past two decades various aerospace research organisations including the US’s DARPA and NASA, and the European Space Agency, have been exploring the potential to base gyroscopes and accelerometers on atomic quantum effects – and develop a quantum positioning system, in order to achieve highly-accurate navigation.

Recent UK commercial flight trials of a quantum-based navigation system – undertaken through a collaboration led by quantum technology firm Infleqtion – were carried out at the defence ministry’s Boscombe Down facility, with the final sortie on 9 May. These tests demonstrated both a quantum system based on ultra-cold atoms, as well as a compact optical atomic clock, on board the RJ100.


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