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Online Dating—How to Boost Your Payment Conversion Rate


This innovative payment feature makes the transaction process much quicker and more convenient. Running an online dating site, you surely have many loyal customers who frequently make in-app purchases. If so, there’s no better way to enhance their user experience than by equipping your service with 1-click payments.

This feature allows customers to make transactions without having to fill out their credit card information each time around. This approach is quite common when it comes to filling out shipping information for physical goods, for instance, however, this principle works wonders for the service industry as well.

Once a customer enters their payment details on your site, they’ll be able to make purchases with just the click of a button.

Additionally, if you’d like to go a step further when it comes to ensuring transactional security, look for a payment provider who uses tokenization technology.

In practice, when tokenization is applied, this means that unique identifiers (i.e. tokens) are associated with payment data such as a given customer’s card information. This way, when a payment is being made, a token assigned to a certain payment card is sent to your website and associated with the stored payment details; and, only once this is done, an authorization request is sent to the acquirer. As a result of this, fraudsters can’t effectively use stolen customer data.

Tokenization is great when it comes to security and cost savings.

  • Lower costs

You save money using tokenization because you no longer need to route transactions through your server. This also helps to reduce costs normally associated with PCI compliance. This is possible as tokenization transfers most of the PCI compliance requirements from you to your payment partner.

  • Increased security

Tokenization is an incredibly effective fraud prevention method. If it’s applied, even fraudsters who manage to steal your customers’ personal data won’t be able to use it to make online payments. This is because the transaction-enabling token assigned to your customer’s data is stored by your payment partner.

Source: https://securionpay.com/blog/online-dating-how-to-boost-your-payment-conversion-rate/


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