
Van nest tot blad: het onontdekte potentieel van zijdebijproducten


Silk has remained the most preferred protein fiber since its discovery in 3000 BC. However, the cost, availability, and resources required to rear the silkworms and process silk are imposing considerable constraints on the future of silk. It is often unrealized that apart from the fibers, production and processing of silk are a source for a diverse range of sustainable, biodegradable, and biocompatible polymers. Hence, delineating itself from being the primary source of protein fibers for millenniums, the silk industry worldwide is transitioning into a biobased industry and as a source for pharmaceuticals, biomaterials, cosmetics, food, and energy. Source: https://www.cell.com/trends/biotechnology/fulltext/S0167-7799(20)30296-1?rss=yes


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