
5 Beste Top Laners in League of Legends-patch 11.19


League of Legends

Foto met dank aan Riot Games

League of Legends-patch 11.19 zal live zijn op woensdag 22 september, twee weken voordat het League of Legends Wereldkampioenschap begint. De patch volgt de vorige in het fijn afstemmen van balansproblemen in de aanloop naar Worlds, en werkt eraan om ervoor te zorgen dat de meta optimaal zal zijn voor het grootste toernooi van het jaar.

With the full patch preview now available, here are the five best top laners in Patch 11.19.

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Renekton took no time at all to go from the strongest top lane professional pick to getting gutted. One swift patch later, and he is now getting buffed again. The crocodile is likely to go back to being on top, although not as strong as he once was.

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Mordekaiser has been buffed. which means all carries now need to run or build Quicksilver Sash. Mordekaiser is a strong champion that can isolate carries, reducing their team fight DPS while also potentially sending them to the grave.

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Gangplank is performing well and will likely continue to do so. His burst damage is a little lower than it once was, but his laning and global map presence is still incredibly strong, making him a great pick in Patch 11.19.

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Gnar is a strong pick right now against melee top laners. He can easily kite his match ups into providing strong team fight control, something most ranged top laners cannot provide.

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Poppy has not been popular for a long time, but her passive is being buffed in Patch 11.19 which is arguably one of her strongest components. The buff will allow Poppy players to sustain in fights even longer with her shield coming up much more frequently.

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Source: https://www.dbltap.com/posts/5-best-top-laners-in-league-of-legends-patch-11-19-01fg215f5mfn?utm_source=RSS


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