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New Images of Eruropa #SpaceSaturday


The Juno spacecraft, in concert with the Stellar Reference Unit star camera, has provided beautiful new images from Europa. Here’s more from Centauri Dreams:

Juno’s 2022 flyby thus gave us a helpful visual update, one that is complemented by an informative snapshot taken by the spacecraft’s Stellar Reference Unit (SRU) star camera. While we have five high resolution images to work with, the Stellar Reference Unit’s black-and-white image has produced the most detail. The image is intriguing because of its method, for bear in mind that the SRU is designed to track stars for navigation purposes. That makes it a dim light instrument, one that must be handled carefully to avoid washing out the image. The Juno team used it on Europa’s nightside, where the ambient light was sunlight reflected off Jupiter itself and the Sun was safely hidden.

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