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Man Bags 2 Years Imprisonment For Illegal Possession Of Cannabis


A Federal High Court sitting in Jos on Thursday sentenced a 30-year-old man, Abdullahi Salihu, to two years imprisonment for illegal possession of 6.7kg of Cannabis Sativa.

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Salihu, who resides in Jos East Local Government Area of Plateau, was reportedly arrested on Sept. 6, 2019 by Officers of National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, (NDLEA) and brought before Justice Dorcas Agishi, the presiding Judge.

Justice Agishi, summarily sentenced Salihu on the request of Mr Uche Chukwu, NDLEA prosecution counsel.

The judge however gave the convict an option to pay a fine of N300, 000.

The Judge frowned at the increasing cases of young people in trafficking hard drugs in the country and pledged welding the full wrath of the law on offenders.

Agishi warned the convict to look for something tangible to do other than hard drugs trafficking in the his interest and those of his family members.

Earlier, when the one count charge was read to Salihu, he pleaded guilty to the charge.
Chukwu had told the court that the action of Salihu was contrary to section 19 of the NDLEA Act CAP 30 of the Law of FRN 2004 as amended.

But Salihu after pleading guilty to the charge pleaded with the court to temper Justice with mercy as he knelt down to the Judge.

He said he was a first offender and that “from today, nothing will ever make me to peddlehard drugs Agam in my life.”

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Source: https://mmpconnect.com/man-bags-2-years-imprisonment-for-illegal-possession-of-cannabis/


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