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Keys to Successful Comic Book Anthologies with A Wave Blue World’s Tyler Chin-Tanner


Tyler Chin-Tanner and his wife Wendy, co-founders of the publishing company A Wave Blue World have launched 4 successful Kickstarter anthology projects. In this session, Tyler spills the beans on the ups, downs, high, lows and best practices for planning and launching a great comic anthology.

Highlights of this Session Include:

  • Lessons Tyler learned from an early failed Kickstarter launch that helped make his next launch a massive success.
  • Curated vs Open Submissions
  • How to compensate creators when running an anthology and how to get them invested in its success.
  • Plus: DIY fulfillment tips!

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Today’s Featured Guest

Tyler Chin-Tanner is a graduate of The Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphi Art and is the author of the graphic novels, “Adrenaline” & “American Terrorist.” He co-funded A Wave Blue World with his wife Wendy, and has co-edited 4 successful comic book anthology projects on Kickstarter, raising over $116K on the platform. His latest anthology project, Dead Beats is live and fully funded on Kickstarter.

Links Mentioned in this Episode

Dead Beats: A music themed horror anthology https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tylerchintanner/dead-beats

Shipstation 30 Day Trial –> ComixLaunch.com/ship

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Come up with three anthology project ideas.

How to Find Out More About Our Featured Guest


Source: http://www.comixlaunch.com/session198/


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