
AI 生成のオープンソース シリコン設計チャレンジに参加してください! – セミウィキ



XFMvcEntityArrayCollection オブジェクト ( [entities:protected] => 配列 ( [17980] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 51 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 17980 [node_id] => 2 [title] => ドイツの新しいチップ工場: 将来への賭けか、それともお金の無駄か?  [reply_count] => 5 [view_count] => 348 [user_id] => 5 [username] => ダニエル・ネニー [post_date] => 1684161213 [sticky] => 0 [Discussion_state] => 表示可能 [Discussion_open] => 1 [ Discussion_type] => ディスカッション [first_post_id] => 60938 [first_post_reaction_score] => 1 [first_post_reactions] => {"1":1} [last_post_date] => 1684259547 [last_post_id] => 60959 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => dnenni@semiwiki.com [custom_title] => 管理者 [ language_id ] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => アメリカ/ロサンゼルス [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 3 [secondary_group_ids] => 4,5,132 [display_style_group_id] => 3 [permission_combination_id] => 88 [message_count] => 9781 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1280720820 [last_activity] => 1684265583 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605968657 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unview]編] => 4 [alerts_unread] => 12 [avatar_date] => 1663211649 [avatar_width] => 110 [avatar_height] => 107 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => 有効な [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 1 [is_admin] => 1 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 1943 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 1 [secret_key] => 0HwyUVVHCwJotUUVEpvqAclfYJdGNPpw [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] ] => ) [フォーラム] => XFEntityForum オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values: protected] => 配列 ( [node_id] => 2 [Discussion_count] => 4609 [message_count] => 27903 [last_post_id] => 60959 [last_post_date] => 1684259547 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] ] => 17980 [last_thread_title] => ドイツの新しいチップ工場: 将来への賭けか、それともお金の無駄か?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => フォーラム [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [深さ] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [Effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"メインカテゴリ","深さ":0,"lft":1,"ノード名" :null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [Effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [ _options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable: protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected ] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] = > 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending: protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [ 17933] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 55 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] => 配列( [スレッド ID] => 17933 [ノード ID] => 2 [タイトル] => 米国  チップの生産は高価であるため、韓国のチップメーカーは [reply_count] => 9 [view_count] => 812 [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [post_date] => 1683570905 [sticky] => 0 [Discussion_state] => を見つけます表示 [Discussion_open] => 1 [Discussion_type] => ディスカッション [first_post_id] => 60787 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1684248967 [last_post_id] => 60958 [last_post_user_id] => 38697 [last_post_username] => blueone [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected ] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values :protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => dnenni@semiwiki.com [custom_title] => 管理者 [言語ID] ] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => アメリカ/ロサンゼルス [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 3 [secondary_group_ids] => 4,5,132 [display_style_group_id] => 3 [permission_combination_id] => 88 [message_count] => 9781 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1280720820 [last_activity] => 1684265583 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605968657 [trophy_points] => 113 4 [アラート_未表示] ] => 12 [alerts_unread] => 1663211649 [avatar_date] => 110 [avatar_width] => 107 [avatar_height] => 0 [avatar_highdpi] => 1 [gravatar] => [user_state] => 有効な [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 1 [is_admin] => 0 [is_banned] => 1943 [Reaction_score] => 0 [Anligent_points] => 1 [is_staff] => 0 [Secret_key] => 0hwyuvvhcwjotuuvepvqaclfyjdpgw [privacy_policy_acceptededpwy * ] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly :protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [ _behaviors:protected] => ) [フォーラム] => XFEntityForum オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => 配列 ( [node_id] => 2 [Discussion_count] => 4609 [message_count] => 27903 [last_post_id] => 60959 [last_post_date] => 1684259547 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] => 17980 [last_thread_title] => ドイツの新しいチップ工場: 将来への賭けか、それともお金の無駄か?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [17982] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 59 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 17982 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Intel's Dominance Under Stiff Competition [reply_count] => 3 [view_count] => 441 [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [post_date] => 1684170914 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 60940 [first_post_reaction_score] => 3 [first_post_reactions] => {"1":3} [last_post_date] => 1684247827 [last_post_id] => 60957 [last_post_user_id] => 38697 [last_post_username] => blueone [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => dnenni@semiwiki.com [custom_title] => Admin [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 3 [secondary_group_ids] => 4,5,132 [display_style_group_id] => 3 [permission_combination_id] => 88 [message_count] => 9781 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1280720820 [last_activity] => 1684265583 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605968657 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 4 [alerts_unread] => 12 [avatar_date] => 1663211649 [avatar_width] => 110 [avatar_height] => 107 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 1 [is_admin] => 1 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 1943 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 1 [secret_key] => 0HwyUVVHCwJotUUVEpvqAclfYJdGNPpw [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4609 [message_count] => 27903 [last_post_id] => 60959 [last_post_date] => 1684259547 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] => 17980 [last_thread_title] => Germany’s new chip factories: a bet on the future or waste of money?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [17985] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 63 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 17985 [node_id] => 2 [title] => China will not invade Taiwan [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 104 [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [post_date] => 1684238527 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 60955 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1684238527 [last_post_id] => 60955 [last_post_user_id] => 10499 [last_post_username] => Arthur Hanson [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 60 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => a-j-hanson@att.net [custom_title] => [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 1 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 2 [secondary_group_ids] => [display_style_group_id] => 2 [permission_combination_id] => 8 [message_count] => 2636 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1366028460 [last_activity] => 1684266245 [last_summary_email_date] => 1606051785 [trophy_points] => 83 [alerts_unviewed] => 0 [alerts_unread] => 0 [avatar_date] => 0 [avatar_width] => 0 [avatar_height] => 0 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] => 0 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 278 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 0 [secret_key] => ta_8_Pj20m6PDO6RnrGK-VnSP_vyhP_m [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4609 [message_count] => 27903 [last_post_id] => 60959 [last_post_date] => 1684259547 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] => 17980 [last_thread_title] => Germany’s new chip factories: a bet on the future or waste of money?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => フォーラム [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [深さ] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [Effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"メインカテゴリ","深さ":0,"lft":1,"ノード名" :null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [Effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [ _options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable: protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected ] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] = > 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending: protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [ 17983] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 67 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] => 配列( [thread_id] => 17983 [node_id] => 2 [title] => EUV マシンを使わずに EUV フォトレジストを開発するにはどうすればよいですか?  [reply_count] => 4 [view_count] => 225 [user_id] => 323155 [username] => マキシマス [post_date] => 1684201032 [sticky] => 0 [Discussion_state] =>visible [Discussion_open] => 1 [Discussion_type] ] => ディスカッション [first_post_id] => 60945 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1684214980 [last_post_id] => 60952 [last_post_user_id] => 323155 [last_post_username] => マキシマス [prefix_id] => 0 [タグ] => [] [カスタムフィールド] => [] [投票スコア] => 0 [投票数] => 0 [タイプデータ] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ユーザー] = > ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 64 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] => 配列 ( [user_id] ] => 323155 [ユーザー名] => マキシマス [ユーザー名日付] => 0 [ユーザー名日付表示] => 0 [メール] => smileeveryday@gmail.com [カスタムタイトル] => [言語ID] => 1 [スタイルID] => 0 [タイムゾーン] => アジア/香港 [可視] => 1 [アクティビティ可視] => 1 [ユーザーグループID] => 2 [二次グループID] => [表示スタイルグループID] => 2 [許可組み合わせID] => 8 [メッセージ数] => 24 [質問解決数] ] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1675392931 [last_activity] => 1684248589 [last_summary_email_date] => 1675392931 [trophy_points] => 3 [alerts_unviewed] => 0 [alerts_unread] => 0 [avatar_日付] = > 0 [avatar_width] => 0 [avatar_height] => 0 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => 有効 [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] => 0 [is_banned] ] => 0 [反応スコア] => 17 [警告ポイント] => 0 [is_staff] => 0 [秘密キー] => SApIO3hYIRzq0CgVS0eun_zG8PWod-3y [プライバシーポリシー_受け入れ] => 1675392931 [用語受け入れ] => 1675392931 [投票数]コア] => 0 ) [ _relations:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [フォーラム] => XFEntityForum オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] => 配列 ( [node_id] => 2 [Discussion_count] => 4609 [message_count] => 27903 [last_post_id] => 60959 [last_post_date] => 1684259547 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] => 17980 [last_thread_title] =>ドイツの新しいチップ工場:将来への賭けか、それともお金の無駄か?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [17955] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 71 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 17955 [node_id] => 2 [title] => TSMC Phoneix Arizona Fab Construction Update [reply_count] => 10 [view_count] => 1751 [user_id] => 14042 [username] => hist78 [post_date] => 1683787218 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 60872 [first_post_reaction_score] => 10 [first_post_reactions] => {"1":10} [last_post_date] => 1684180823 [last_post_id] => 60942 [last_post_user_id] => 20749 [last_post_username] => jmlobert [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 68 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 14042 [username] => hist78 [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => ckckhcdc@gmail.com [custom_title] => [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 0 [activity_visible] => 0 [user_group_id] => 2 [secondary_group_ids] => [display_style_group_id] => 2 [permission_combination_id] => 8 [message_count] => 1989 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1389969050 [last_activity] => 1684248659 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605978520 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 0 [alerts_unread] => 1 [avatar_date] => 1604959511 [avatar_width] => 807 [avatar_height] => 384 [avatar_highdpi] => 1 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] => 0 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 1083 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 0 [secret_key] => 2YRSnPrl4fVQSdv3R6uqHxqi6BDQOXve [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4609 [message_count] => 27903 [last_post_id] => 60959 [last_post_date] => 1684259547 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] => 17980 [last_thread_title] => Germany’s new chip factories: a bet on the future or waste of money?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [17975] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 75 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 17975 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Chinese smartphone maker Oppo abruptly closes chip design unit Zeku [reply_count] => 17 [view_count] => 1501 [user_id] => 14042 [username] => hist78 [post_date] => 1683982031 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 60913 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1684172859 [last_post_id] => 60941 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 68 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 14042 [username] => hist78 [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => ckckhcdc@gmail.com [custom_title] => [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 0 [activity_visible] => 0 [user_group_id] => 2 [secondary_group_ids] => [display_style_group_id] => 2 [permission_combination_id] => 8 [message_count] => 1989 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1389969050 [last_activity] => 1684248659 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605978520 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 0 [alerts_unread] => 1 [avatar_date] => 1604959511 [avatar_width] => 807 [avatar_height] => 384 [avatar_highdpi] => 1 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] => 0 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 1083 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 0 [secret_key] => 2YRSnPrl4fVQSdv3R6uqHxqi6BDQOXve [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4609 [message_count] => 27903 [last_post_id] => 60959 [last_post_date] => 1684259547 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] => 17980 [last_thread_title] => Germany’s new chip factories: a bet on the future or waste of money?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [17981] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 79 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 17981 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Microsoft to use AMD to reduce costs of AI [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 177 [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [post_date] => 1684165226 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 60939 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1684165226 [last_post_id] => 60939 [last_post_user_id] => 10499 [last_post_username] => Arthur Hanson [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 60 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => a-j-hanson@att.net [custom_title] => [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 1 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 2 [secondary_group_ids] => [display_style_group_id] => 2 [permission_combination_id] => 8 [message_count] => 2636 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1366028460 [last_activity] => 1684266245 [last_summary_email_date] => 1606051785 [trophy_points] => 83 [alerts_unviewed] => 0 [alerts_unread] => 0 [avatar_date] => 0 [avatar_width] => 0 [avatar_height] => 0 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] => 0 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 278 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 0 [secret_key] => ta_8_Pj20m6PDO6RnrGK-VnSP_vyhP_m [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4609 [message_count] => 27903 [last_post_id] => 60959 [last_post_date] => 1684259547 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] => 17980 [last_thread_title] => Germany’s new chip factories: a bet on the future or waste of money?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [17977] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 83 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 17977 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Semiconductor Market Winners and Losers 2022 [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 2290 [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [post_date] => 1684081669 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 60929 [first_post_reaction_score] => 2 [first_post_reactions] => {"1":2} [last_post_date] => 1684081669 [last_post_id] => 60929 [last_post_user_id] => 5 [last_post_username] => Daniel Nenni [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => dnenni@semiwiki.com [custom_title] => Admin [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 3 [secondary_group_ids] => 4,5,132 [display_style_group_id] => 3 [permission_combination_id] => 88 [message_count] => 9781 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1280720820 [last_activity] => 1684265583 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605968657 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 4 [alerts_unread] => 12 [avatar_date] => 1663211649 [avatar_width] => 110 [avatar_height] => 107 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 1 [is_admin] => 1 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 1943 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 1 [secret_key] => 0HwyUVVHCwJotUUVEpvqAclfYJdGNPpw [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4609 [message_count] => 27903 [last_post_id] => 60959 [last_post_date] => 1684259547 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] => 17980 [last_thread_title] => Germany’s new chip factories: a bet on the future or waste of money?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [17698] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 87 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 17698 [node_id] => 2 [title] => TSM, Intel fighting over water [reply_count] => 61 [view_count] => 6593 [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [post_date] => 1680260961 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 59740 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1683993561 [last_post_id] => 60919 [last_post_user_id] => 88986 [last_post_username] => jms_embedded [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 60 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => a-j-hanson@att.net [custom_title] => [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 1 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 2 [secondary_group_ids] => [display_style_group_id] => 2 [permission_combination_id] => 8 [message_count] => 2636 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1366028460 [last_activity] => 1684266245 [last_summary_email_date] => 1606051785 [trophy_points] => 83 [alerts_unviewed] => 0 [alerts_unread] => 0 [avatar_date] => 0 [avatar_width] => 0 [avatar_height] => 0 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] => 0 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 278 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 0 [secret_key] => ta_8_Pj20m6PDO6RnrGK-VnSP_vyhP_m [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4609 [message_count] => 27903 [last_post_id] => 60959 [last_post_date] => 1684259547 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] => 17980 [last_thread_title] => Germany’s new chip factories: a bet on the future or waste of money?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => フォーラム [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [深さ] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [Effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"メインカテゴリ","深さ":0,"lft":1,"ノード名" :null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [Effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [ _options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable: protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected ] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] = > 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending: protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [ 17976] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 91 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] => 配列( [thread_id] => 17976 [node_id] => 2 [title] => HBM3 によるパフォーマンスと電力の向上 [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 561 [user_id] => 90741 [username] => M.  Y.  Zuo [post_date] => 1683992643 [sticky] => 0 [Discussion_state] => 表示される [Discussion_open] => 1 [Discussion_type] => ディスカッション [first_post_id] => 60918 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1683992643 [last_post_id] => 60918 [last_post_user_id] => 90741 [last_post_username] => M.  Y.  Zuo [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [ユーザー] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 88 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] =>配列 ( [ユーザー ID] => 90741 [ユーザー名] => M.  Y.  Zuo [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => myzuo@icloud.com [custom_title] => [ language_id ] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/New_York [visible] ] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 2 [secondary_group_ids] => [display_style_group_id] => 2 [permission_combination_id] => 8 [message_count] => 106 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1644550438 [last_activity] => 1684214389 [last_summary_email_date] => [trophy_points] => 28 [alerts_unviewed] => 5 [alerts_unread] => 5 [avatar_date] => 1644600567 [avatar_width] => 489 384 [アバターの身長] ] => 1 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => 有効 [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] => 0 [is_banned] => 54 [reaction_score] => 0 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 38 [secret_key] => EwII7u8aIHAsJqcm0hBOFL0EDvtO1644550438Z- [privacy_policy_accepted] => 1644550438 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 50 ) [_relations:protected] = > 配列 ( ) [_previousValues :protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected ] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [フォーラム] => XFEntityForum オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] = > 2 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] => 配列 ( [node_id] => 4609 [Discussion_count] => 27903 [message_count] ] => 60959 [last_post_id] => 1684259547 [last_post_date] => 38642 [last_post_user_id] => 17980 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] => XNUMX [last_thread_title] => ドイツの新しいチップ工場: 将来への賭け、またはお金の無駄?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => フォーラム [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [深さ] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [Effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"メインカテゴリ","深さ":0,"lft":1,"ノード名" :null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [Effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [ _options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable: protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected ] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] = > 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending: protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [ 17962] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 95 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] => 配列( [thread_id] => 17962 [node_id] => 2 [title] => クラウドによって物理的な場所は無関係になりましたか?  [reply_count] => 2 [view_count] => 497 [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [post_date] => 1683888856 [sticky] => 0 [Discussion_state] =>visible [Discussion_open] => 1 [ Discussion_type] => ディスカッション [first_post_id] => 60891 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1683981436 [last_post_id] => 60912 [last_post_user_id] => 10499 [last_post_username] => アーサー・ハンソン [ prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User ] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 60 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] => 配列 ( [user_id] => 10499 [username] => アーサー・ハンソン [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => aj-hanson@att.net [custom_title] => [ language_id ] => 1 [style_id] ] => 1 [タイムゾーン] => アメリカ/ロサンゼルス [可視] => 1 [アクティビティ可視] => 1 [ユーザーグループID] => 2 [二次グループID] => [表示スタイルグループID] => 2 [許可組み合わせID] => 8 [メッセージカウント] => 2636 [質問解決数] => 0 [会話未読] => 0 [登録日] => 1366028460 [最終アクティビティ] => 1684266245 [最終要約電子メール日付] => 1606051785 [トロフィーポイント] => 83 [アラート_未閲覧] => 0 [アラート] _未読] => 0 [avatar_date] => 0 [avatar_width] => 0 [avatar_height] => 0 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => 有効 [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] => 0 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 278 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 0 [secret_key] => ta_8_Pj20m6PDO6RnrGK-VnSP_vyhP_m [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending] :protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [フォーラム] => XFEntityForum オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] =>配列 ( [node_id] => 2 [Discussion_count] => 4609 [message_count] => 27903 [last_post_id] => 60959 [last_post_date] => 1684259547 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] => 17980 [last_thread_title] => ドイツの新しいチップ工場: 将来への賭けか、それともお金の無駄か?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [17963] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 99 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 17963 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Taiwan Is Running Low on a Strategic Asset: Engineers [reply_count] => 2 [view_count] => 1352 [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [post_date] => 1683907700 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 60893 [first_post_reaction_score] => 2 [first_post_reactions] => {"1":2} [last_post_date] => 1683949297 [last_post_id] => 60911 [last_post_user_id] => 5185 [last_post_username] => Fred Chen [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => dnenni@semiwiki.com [custom_title] => Admin [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 3 [secondary_group_ids] => 4,5,132 [display_style_group_id] => 3 [permission_combination_id] => 88 [message_count] => 9781 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1280720820 [last_activity] => 1684265583 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605968657 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 4 [alerts_unread] => 12 [avatar_date] => 1663211649 [avatar_width] => 110 [avatar_height] => 107 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 1 [is_admin] => 1 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 1943 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 1 [secret_key] => 0HwyUVVHCwJotUUVEpvqAclfYJdGNPpw [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4609 [message_count] => 27903 [last_post_id] => 60959 [last_post_date] => 1684259547 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] => 17980 [last_thread_title] => Germany’s new chip factories: a bet on the future or waste of money?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => フォーラム [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [深さ] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [Effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"メインカテゴリ","深さ":0,"lft":1,"ノード名" :null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [Effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [ _options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable: protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected ] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] = > 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending: protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [ 17965] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 103 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] => 配列( [thread_id] => 17965 [node_id] => 2 [title] => シリコンマイクロチップの発明者モリス・タネンバウム氏、94歳で死去 - IEEE [reply_count] => 1 [view_count] => 754 [user_id] => 90741 [ユーザー名] => M.  Y.  Zuo [post_date] => 1683926323 [sticky] => 0 [Discussion_state] =>visible [Discussion_open] => 1 [Discussion_type] =>Discussion [first_post_id] => 60898 [first_post_reaction_score] => 5 [first_post_reactions] => {" 1":5} [last_post_date] => 1683930677 [last_post_id] => 60908 [last_post_user_id] => 14042 [last_post_username] => hist78 [prefix_id] => 0 [タグ] => [] [カスタムフィールド] => [] [ vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 88 [rootClass:protected] ] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 90741 [username] => M.  Y.  Zuo [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => myzuo@icloud.com [custom_title] => [ language_id ] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/New_York [visible] ] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 2 [secondary_group_ids] => [display_style_group_id] => 2 [permission_combination_id] => 8 [message_count] => 106 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1644550438 [last_activity] => 1684214389 [last_summary_email_date] => [trophy_points] => 28 [alerts_unviewed] => 5 [alerts_unread] => 5 [avatar_date] => 1644600567 [avatar_width] => 489 384 [アバターの身長] ] => 1 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => 有効 [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] => 0 [is_banned] => 54 [reaction_score] => 0 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 38 [secret_key] => EwII7u8aIHAsJqcm0hBOFL0EDvtO1644550438Z- [privacy_policy_accepted] => 1644550438 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 50 ) [_relations:protected] = > 配列 ( ) [_previousValues :protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected ] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [フォーラム] => XFEntityForum オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] = > 2 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] => 配列 ( [node_id] => 4609 [Discussion_count] => 27903 [message_count] ] => 60959 [last_post_id] => 1684259547 [last_post_date] => 38642 [last_post_user_id] => 17980 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] => XNUMX [last_thread_title] => ドイツの新しいチップ工場: 将来への賭け、またはお金の無駄?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => フォーラム [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [深さ] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [Effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"メインカテゴリ","深さ":0,"lft":1,"ノード名" :null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [Effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [ _options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable: protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected ] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] = > 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending: protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [ 17921] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 107 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] => 配列( [thread_id] => 17921 [node_id] => 2 [title] => AI/ML における AMD と Microsoft の提携について何か考えはありますか?  [reply_count] => 28 [view_count] => 2781 [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [post_date] => 1683223598 [sticky] => 0 [Discussion_state] =>visible [Discussion_open] => 1 [ Discussion_type] => ディスカッション [first_post_id] => 60702 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1683826329 [last_post_id] => 60884 [last_post_user_id] => 1306 [last_post_username] => クリフ [prefix_id] ] => 0 [タグ] => [] [カスタムフィールド] => [] [投票スコア] => 0 [投票数] => 0 [タイプデータ] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ユーザー] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 60 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] => 配列 ( [ user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => aj-hanson@att.net [custom_title] => [ language_id ] => 1 [style_id] => 1 [タイムゾーン] => アメリカ/ロサンゼルス [可視] => 1 [アクティビティ可視] => 1 [ユーザーグループID] => 2 [二次グループID] => [表示スタイルグループID] => 2 [許可組み合わせID] => 8 [メッセージカウント] = > 2636 [質問解決数] => 0 [会話未読] => 0 [登録日] => 1366028460 [最終活動] => 1684266245 [最終概要電子メール日付] => 1606051785 [トロフィーポイント] => 83 [警告未表示] => 0 [警告_未読] => 0 [avatar_date] => 0 [avatar_width] => 0 [avatar_height] => 0 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => 有効 [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] = > 0 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 278 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 0 [secret_key] => ta_8_Pj20m6PDO6RnrGK-VnSP_vyhP_m [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] = > 0 ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending: protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [フォーラム] => XFEntityForum オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] => 配列( [node_id] => 2 [Discussion_count] => 4609 [message_count] => 27903 [last_post_id] => 60959 [last_post_date] => 1684259547 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] => 17980 [ last_thread_title] => ドイツの新しいチップ工場: 将来への賭けか、それともお金の無駄か?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [17956] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 111 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 17956 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Who has the most data to feed AI/ML race and win [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 337 [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [post_date] => 1683822550 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 60881 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1683822550 [last_post_id] => 60881 [last_post_user_id] => 10499 [last_post_username] => Arthur Hanson [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 60 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => a-j-hanson@att.net [custom_title] => [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 1 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 2 [secondary_group_ids] => [display_style_group_id] => 2 [permission_combination_id] => 8 [message_count] => 2636 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1366028460 [last_activity] => 1684266245 [last_summary_email_date] => 1606051785 [trophy_points] => 83 [alerts_unviewed] => 0 [alerts_unread] => 0 [avatar_date] => 0 [avatar_width] => 0 [avatar_height] => 0 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] => 0 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 278 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 0 [secret_key] => ta_8_Pj20m6PDO6RnrGK-VnSP_vyhP_m [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4609 [message_count] => 27903 [last_post_id] => 60959 [last_post_date] => 1684259547 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] => 17980 [last_thread_title] => Germany’s new chip factories: a bet on the future or waste of money?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => フォーラム [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [深さ] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [Effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"メインカテゴリ","深さ":0,"lft":1,"ノード名" :null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [Effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [ _options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable: protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected ] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] = > 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending: protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [ 17945] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 115 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] => 配列( [thread_id] => 17945 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Intel Foundry Imperative [reply_count] => 4 [view_count] => 868 [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [post_date] = > 1683668831 [sticky] => 0 [Discussion_state] => 表示される [Discussion_open] => 1 [Discussion_type] => ディスカッション [first_post_id] => 60825 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1683816970 [last_post_id] => 60878 [last_post_user_id] => 90741 [last_post_username] => M.  Y.  Zuo [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [ユーザー] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => dnenni@semiwiki.com [custom_title] => Admin [ language_id ] => 1 [ style_id] => 0 [timezone] => アメリカ/ロサンゼルス [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 3 [secondary_group_ids] => 4,5,132 [display_style_group_id] => 3 [permission_combination_id] => 88 [message_count] => 9781 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1280720820 [last_activity] => 1684265583 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605968657 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 4 [ [alerts_unread] => 12 [avatar_date] => 1663211649 [avatar_width] => 110 [avatar_height] => 107 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => 有効な [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 1 [is_admin] => 1 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 1943 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 1 [secret_key] => 0HwyUVVHCwJotUUVEpvqAclfYJdGNPpw [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [ vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] = > ) [フォーラム] => XFEntityForum オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [Discussion_count] => 4609 [message_count] => 27903 [last_post_id] => 60959 [last_post_date] => 1684259547 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] = > 17980 [last_thread_title] => ドイツの新しいチップ工場: 将来への賭けか、それともお金の無駄か?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => フォーラム [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [深さ] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [Effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"メインカテゴリ","深さ":0,"lft":1,"ノード名" :null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [Effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [ _options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable: protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected ] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] = > 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending: protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [ 17953] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 119 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] => 配列( [thread_id] => 17953 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Samsung、VLSI シンポジウムでノード情報を共有へ。  [reply_count] => 2 [view_count] => 454 [user_id] => 19098 [username] => ta152h [post_date] => 1683768835 [sticky] => 0 [Discussion_state] => 表示される [Discussion_open] => 1 [Discussion_type] ] => ディスカッション [first_post_id] => 60869 [first_post_reaction_score] => 3 [first_post_reactions] => {"1":3} [last_post_date] => 1683804297 [last_post_id] => 60874 [last_post_user_id] => 170880 [last_post_username] = > nghanayem [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => 配列( [ユーザー] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 116 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] = > Array ( [user_id] => 19098 [username] => ta152h [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => RichArz@protonmail.com [custom_title] => [ language_id ] => 1 [style_id] ] => 0 [タイムゾーン] => アメリカ/ニューヨーク [可視] => 1 [アクティビティ可視] => 1 [ユーザーグループID] => 2 [二次グループID] => [表示スタイルグループID] => 2 [許可組み合わせID] => 8 [メッセージカウント] => 93 [質問解決数] => 0 [会話未読] => 0 [登録日] => 1422391124 [最終活動] => 1683770480 [最終概要電子メール日付] => [トロフィーポイント] => 18 [警告未表示] => 3 [警告未読] => 3 [avatar_date] => 0 [avatar_width] => 0 [avatar_height] => 0 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => 有効 [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] = > 0 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 43 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 0 [secret_key] => pfsK9c9O48wN38Sw0-wLSPv_vjkyZkiY [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] = > 0 ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_options:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending: protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [フォーラム] => XFEntityForum オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => 配列 ( ) [_values:protected] => 配列( [node_id] => 2 [Discussion_count] => 4609 [message_count] => 27903 [last_post_id] => 60959 [last_post_date] => 1684259547 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] => 17980 [ last_thread_title] => ドイツの新しいチップ工場: 将来への賭けか、それともお金の無駄か?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [17950] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 123 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 17950 [node_id] => 2 [title] => Apple, 2.7 Trillion Market Cap Tops World Markets [reply_count] => 6 [view_count] => 496 [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [post_date] => 1683729809 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 60847 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1683767570 [last_post_id] => 60868 [last_post_user_id] => 19098 [last_post_username] => ta152h [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 60 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 10499 [username] => Arthur Hanson [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => a-j-hanson@att.net [custom_title] => [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 1 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 2 [secondary_group_ids] => [display_style_group_id] => 2 [permission_combination_id] => 8 [message_count] => 2636 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1366028460 [last_activity] => 1684266245 [last_summary_email_date] => 1606051785 [trophy_points] => 83 [alerts_unviewed] => 0 [alerts_unread] => 0 [avatar_date] => 0 [avatar_width] => 0 [avatar_height] => 0 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 0 [is_admin] => 0 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 278 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 0 [secret_key] => ta_8_Pj20m6PDO6RnrGK-VnSP_vyhP_m [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4609 [message_count] => 27903 [last_post_id] => 60959 [last_post_date] => 1684259547 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] => 17980 [last_thread_title] => Germany’s new chip factories: a bet on the future or waste of money?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください!  [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 1 [display_order] => 1 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 2 [rgt] => 3 [depth] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 0 [breadcrumb_data] => {"1":{"node_id":1,"title":"Main Category","depth":0,"lft":1,"node_name":null,"node_type_id":"Category","display_in_list":true}} [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [17947] => ThemeHouseXPressXFEntityThread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 127 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityThread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 17947 [node_id] => 2 [title] => TSMC April 2023 Revenue Report [reply_count] => 1 [view_count] => 418 [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [post_date] => 1683698892 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 60838 [first_post_reaction_score] => 1 [first_post_reactions] => {"1":1} [last_post_date] => 1683766909 [last_post_id] => 60867 [last_post_user_id] => 322214 [last_post_username] => Mooredaddy [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [User] => ThemeHouseXLinkXFEntityUser Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityUser [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [user_id] => 5 [username] => Daniel Nenni [username_date] => 0 [username_date_visible] => 0 [email] => dnenni@semiwiki.com [custom_title] => Admin [language_id] => 1 [style_id] => 0 [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [visible] => 1 [activity_visible] => 1 [user_group_id] => 3 [secondary_group_ids] => 4,5,132 [display_style_group_id] => 3 [permission_combination_id] => 88 [message_count] => 9781 [question_solution_count] => 0 [conversations_unread] => 0 [register_date] => 1280720820 [last_activity] => 1684265583 [last_summary_email_date] => 1605968657 [trophy_points] => 113 [alerts_unviewed] => 4 [alerts_unread] => 12 [avatar_date] => 1663211649 [avatar_width] => 110 [avatar_height] => 107 [avatar_highdpi] => 0 [gravatar] => [user_state] => valid [security_lock] => [is_moderator] => 1 [is_admin] => 1 [is_banned] => 0 [reaction_score] => 1943 [warning_points] => 0 [is_staff] => 1 [secret_key] => 0HwyUVVHCwJotUUVEpvqAclfYJdGNPpw [privacy_policy_accepted] => 0 [terms_accepted] => 0 [vote_score] => 0 ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [Forum] => XFEntityForum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 50 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityForum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [discussion_count] => 4609 [message_count] => 27903 [last_post_id] => 60959 [last_post_date] => 1684259547 [last_post_user_id] => 38642 [last_post_username] => VCT [last_thread_id] => 17980 [last_thread_title] => Germany’s new chip factories: a bet on the future or waste of money?  [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 0 [moderate_replies] => 0 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] ] => すべての [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => ディスカッション [type_config] => {"allowed_thread_types":["poll"]} ) [_relations:protected] => 配列 ( [ノード] => XFEntityNode オブジェクト ( [_uniqueEntityId:XFMvcEntityEntity:private] => 49 [rootClass:protected] => XFEntityNode [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 2 [タイトル] => SemiWiki メイン フォーラム (専門家に聞く!  )[説明] =>ここで専門家に質問を投稿してください! 

