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International Women’s Day interviews; UK soft power success; a year of the Trademark Modernisation Act; and much more


Everything we covered on WTR over the past seven days – and all you need to know from the world of trademarks to set yourself up for the start of another busy week.

Long Read

Thompson Coburn’s Shoko Naruo and Brendan Bement reflect on the first year of the US Trademark Modernisation Act, crunching the numbers and assessing the effectiveness of new procedures.

Monday 6 March

The United Kingdom’s soft power “sails through” political turmoil, as Ukraine gains influence in the Brand Finance 2023 Global Soft Power Index.

Cordillera IP founder and former in-house counsel Lisa Ritchie explains why “the traditional IP career pathway is breaking down” as she discusses the evolving opportunities for women in the IP industry.


Tuesday 7 March

Toblerone removes the Swiss imagery from its packaging, INTA’s Annual Meeting tops 5,000 registrants, Sprite gets a rebrand, and more.

The European Union moves closer to GI protection for crafts, while the United States intensifies its focus on IP abuses, in this month’s legislation and policy watch.


Wednesday 8 March

Women make up roughly 57% of trademark associates, but only 37% of partners, WTR 1000 Analytics data reveals.

WTR hears how one Japanese IP lawyer is meeting gender challenges head on.


Thursday 9 March

CEO Adam Williams reveals his ambitions for the UK Intellectual Property Office in an exclusive interview with WTR.

The heads of the IP offices of the Baltic states, Poland and Ukraine sign a memorandum of understanding to support Ukraine’s integration into the European IP system.  


Friday 10 March

ICANN recently passed a resolution to develop a WHOIS Disclosure System.

The EUIPO bans TikTok, a New Delhi Bar Association event sparks anger in the community, the CNIPA becomes a top-level agency, and more.

Malaysian IP practices have “no glass ceiling”, says Maxis IP specialist Kimberly Tey, but why are younger female lawyers leaving?


Saturday 11 March

If advanced AI tools become more widespread, reverse-image search tools could be required to not only monitor and take down infringing content, but prevent it as well.

Out now: Special Report on diversity in IP

WTR’s new Special Report examines the progress being made to improve diversity, equity and inclusion across the IP sphere – with practical steps from industry leaders on how to build a better workplace.


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