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How to Use Regular Expressions in JavaScript to Validate Phone Numbers


Regular expressions are a powerful tool in JavaScript that can be used to validate phone numbers. Phone numbers come in different formats, and it can be challenging to validate them all. However, with regular expressions, you can create a pattern that matches the format of a phone number and use it to validate phone numbers.

In this article, we will discuss how to use regular expressions in JavaScript to validate phone numbers.

What is a Regular Expression?

A regular expression is a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern. It is used to match and manipulate text. In JavaScript, regular expressions are created using the RegExp object or by using the forward slash (/) notation.

Regular expressions consist of two parts: the pattern and the flags. The pattern is the sequence of characters that define the search pattern, while the flags are optional parameters that modify the behavior of the search.

How to Validate Phone Numbers Using Regular Expressions

To validate phone numbers using regular expressions, you need to create a pattern that matches the format of a phone number. Here are some common phone number formats:

– (123) 456-7890

– 123-456-7890

– 123.456.7890

– +91 1234567890

– 011-12345678

Let’s create a regular expression pattern that matches these formats:


const phoneRegex = /^(+?d{1,3}[- ]?)?d{10}$/;


In this pattern, we are using the following:

– `^` – Matches the start of the string.

– `(+?d{1,3}[- ]?)?` – Matches an optional country code (starting with a plus sign), followed by one to three digits, and an optional hyphen or space.

– `d{10}` – Matches ten digits.

– `$` – Matches the end of the string.

Now that we have our regular expression pattern, we can use it to validate phone numbers. Here’s an example:


const phoneNumber = “+91 1234567890”;

const isValidPhoneNumber = phoneRegex.test(phoneNumber);

console.log(isValidPhoneNumber); // true


In this example, we are using the `test()` method of the regular expression object to check if the phone number matches the pattern. The `test()` method returns a boolean value indicating whether the phone number matches the pattern or not.


Regular expressions are a powerful tool in JavaScript that can be used to validate phone numbers. By creating a regular expression pattern that matches the format of a phone number, you can easily validate phone numbers in your JavaScript code. With this knowledge, you can create more robust and reliable applications that handle phone numbers correctly.


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