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How to make over $1,000/day with $25,000 invested in Crypto on Polygon


At that rate you’d make back your money back in under a month!

Warning: this is not a step-by-step guide. If you are knowledgable and savvy you could figure this out easily enough though.

A friend shared their investment with me, and it was another eye-popping percentage rate that defied logic. With just under $25,000 invested she was earning over $1,000/day.

First, she had $10,403 invested in the TITAN/IRON pair on Iron Finance (https://polygon.iron.finance/)

See that highlighted APR of 1,651% in the upper right corner? Divide that by 365 and get the daily percentage rate of 4.52%. Apply that against the amount invested, and she’s getting a little over $471.

Per day!

It’s gets better. So, she also has $14,337 invested in the TITAN-MATIC pair earning 4.73%/day:

So $678 and change…per day. Altogether it’s $1,149 per day she’s receiving on a total investment of just under $25,000 ($24,882).

I can hear the criticism right now, “Well, if the TITAN coin drops, your Impermanent Loss would kill this investment.”

Well, let’s look at the price action on TITAN, shall we?

$32.26 up from $1.39 on June 2nd.

Well…how about MATIC?

$1.38, up from .40 cents on March 15, 2021. Yes, the price history isn’t as spectacular as TITAN, but the over 2 BILLION APY should easily take care of any volatility experienced in the underlying tokens.

The chart on both tokens go from the lower left to the upper right = GOOD. Honestly, it could even be flat to slightly deflating and you could still make money hand over fist.

Go ahead, run the numbers, do the laying on of hands, feel the wound made by the Spear of Destiny like the original doubting Saint Thomas.

Yes, the $2 Billion+ APY is ridiculously high, but I have also run the numbers from my friend’s account and it all checks out. She has kindly showed me the daily harvests, which she then shovels back into the farm.

It takes some doing to go from Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain to Polygon, but like they say: it’s not Rocket science. It’s not even brain surgery. Youtube videos, article how-to’s are just a Google search away…;)

And once you figure out how to create the LP pairs and stake your farm, you can let that sweet sweet harvest roll in!

PC: https://memegenerator.net/instance/55020614/this-is-sparta-meme-this-is-crypto

Coinsmart. Beste Bitcoin-Börse in Europa
Source: https://medium.com/cryptozoa/how-to-make-over-1-000-day-with-25-000-invested-in-crypto-on-polygon-4e0490303a8?source=rss——-8—————–cryptocurrency


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