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GCV invited to discuss Effective Investing at Connected Investing Event


Connected Investing Newcastle, from UKBAA in partnership with Innovate UK, taking place on 17th
June 2019 at The Core will look at the major shift in emphasis towards regional funding support and
lift the lid on the latest initiatives open to both the investor and start-up communities.

CEO of Growth Capital Ventures Norm Peterson has been invited to sit on the panel “Effective Investing” alongside fellow panellists from Greenaway Scott, Maven & UKBAA.

With a huge shift in emphasis towards regional funding support, the Connected Investing event
series will lift the lid on the latest initiatives open to both the investor and start-up communities.
Connected Investing will feature the latest updates from newly emerging funds, including the British
Business Investments £100m fund and Innovate UK’s regional angel investment accelerator.
The event will also take a look at how the changing face of funding has placed more emphasis on the
importance of angel investment and hear from inspirational entrepreneurs and their journey to
building and exiting successful businesses.

Finally, the event will end with an evening of networking over drinks and canapés.
The Connected Investing event series is being delivered through a partnership between UKBAA, the
trade body for early stage investing and Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation, a non-
departmental public body funded by a grant-in-aid from the UK government.

To find out more visit http://connectedinvesting.ukbaa.org.uk.


Source: https://blog.growthfunders.com/connected-investing-event


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