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Extracting Keywords From Text in Excel Without Coding


keyword extractor

Keyword Extractor API extracts keywords out of textual data. It generates an extensive list of relevant keywords and phrases to make research more context focussed. Keyword Extractor API can help in automating text summarization and enhancing SEO and building a keyword cloud. It is a powerful tool in text analysis that can be used to index data, generate tag clouds, and accelerate the searching time.

First, we will give you a brief introduction to the underlying technology driving ParallelDots Keyword Extractor API.

Keywords Extractor API helps to find the most important keywords in a text. A relevance score is calculated for each keyword based on statistical analysis, and the results are returned sorted by relevancy. It uses the famous syntax net algorithm by Google and statistical analysis of text to retrieve important keywords from textual data.

Using Keyword Extractor in ParallelDots Excel add-in

To get started, you need to first sign-up for a ParallelDots account (if you haven’t already) and download and install the Excel add-in on your computer. Once you install it, follow the steps below

  1. Login to your ParallelDots Excel add-in account: Enter your login credentials to activate the add-in’s functions.
  2. Use the ParallelDots Excel add-in Keyword Extractor function:
Keyword extractor

Using the function paralleldots_keywords you can extract keywords out of any textual data.

Consider the following example where a sentence “Roger Federer is the world’s highest-paid athlete for 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic knocked footballer Lionel Messi off top spot.” is using paralleldots_keywords to extract keywords as shown in the image below:

Keyword Extractor

Our Keyword Extractor API successfully generates an extensive list of the most relevant keywords and keyword phrases. It also makes the keyword research process for search engine optimization more context focussed.

The API can also be used in 14 different languages using the Excel add-in function paralleldots_keywords(Cell_Number, “lang_code”) as shown in the example below. This API is generally called Multilingual Keyword Extractor.

Also, read here how to use the Sentiment Analysis API in Excel without writing code.

Sign up to use ParallelDots Excel add-in and start your text analytics journey. Please write to us at support@paralleldots.com in case of any queries or feedback.

Click here to know more about the ParallelDots Excel add-in function.

If you haven’t downloaded the add-in yet, then please download it now for free from here.

Reashikaa Verma is the Content Marketing Manager at ParallelDots. When not blogging about the benefits of the image recognition technology in retail, she divides her time between reading, binge-watching, and petting dogs
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Source: https://blog.paralleldots.com/product/how-to-extract-keywords-from-text-in-excel-without-coding/


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