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Dispelix and Avegant Partner to Enable Next-Gen AR Glasses


Get ready to see the future of augmented reality with the next generation of AR glasses. Dispelix and Avegant have teamed up to create an advanced optical solution for augmented reality viewing. The two companies combine their technologies to bring us the next level of AR experiences through state-of-the-art augmented reality and mixed reality wearables.

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Dispelix Waveguide Technology

Dispelix, a waveguide designer and manufacturer headquartered in Finland, unlocks great possibilities for innovative AR product designs with its patented DPX waveguides. These waveguides have been instrumental in bringing Magic Leap, Microsoft HoloLens, and other AR devices to the consumer market.

Dispelix DPX – Selva

Dispelix waveguides are thin pieces of clear glass or plastic integrated inside AR glasses. They bend and combine light beams from various sources to enable wearers to see virtual 3D objects along with the real world. Enhanced by nanotechnology, these waveguides provide unparalleled image quality and viewing performance.

Avegant LED Light Engine Technology

Constantly developing new and better display technologies, Avegant makes the impossible possible. Known as the creator of the world’s smallest LED light engine, Avegant enables hyper-realistic AR experiences by powering AR glasses and wearables with light engine technologies.

Avegant AG-30L 30° LED light engine
Avegant AG-30L 30° LED light engine

Avegant developed a LED-based liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) microdisplay light engine technology for AR glasses. The LED light engine is integrated into the frame of AR headsets and serves as the primary source of illumination. Avegant’s latest AG-30L 30° LED light engine brings AR viewing experiences a notch higher with its unmatched image quality and exceptional viewing performance.

The Next-Generation AR Glasses

Combining Dispelix’s nanotech-enhanced waveguide with Avegant’s optimized LED light engine brings us the next generation of AR glasses that are bound to give us unparalleled augmented reality and mixed reality experiences. By optimizing the waveguides with high-performance light engines, the two tech companies are able to provide consumers with the best and clearest viewing quality to date.

Dispelix also recently partnered with AAC Technologies Group, which became one of the company’s strategic partners for mass manufacturing of Dispelix’s see-through waveguide displays.

“This new partnership with Avegant builds on the AAC agreement by giving OEMs and ODMs alike a turnkey solution for developing the highest-performance AR glasses on the market,” said the CEO of Dispelix, Antti Sunnari, in a release shared with ARPost. “AAC’s unparalleled expertise in wafer-level optics mass manufacturing and the new Avegant LED optimization allows any manufacturer to quickly bring their proprietary AR solution to scale and to market with the extreme quality and unmatched performance that only Dispelix offers.” 

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See Also:  One Step Closer to Mass Adoption of AR Headsets Thanks to New Waveguide Technology

The partnership of Avegant and Dispelix along with AAC fosters a strategic collaboration that supports the increasingly growing consumer demand for MR and AR wearables. By merging their technologies and expertise, they are able to craft innovative and compelling solutions that help advance the industry.

“Combined optimization of waveguides with light engines is key to enabling the best AR experiences,” said the CEO of Avegant, Ed Tang. “Together we are going to enable true glasses-like devices with unparalleled performance.”

Aside from this advanced optical solution for AR, we can expect to see more revolutionary AR and MR products from the partnership between these two tech companies.


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