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Role Of Appreciation For Positively Growing Your Workplace


All the companies are running in the marathon and competing with each other to define a better place in the market. They are trying with all the hooks and crooks for blooming their business. But in this fast-growing race, don’t you feel that you lack someone behind who is the true booster that makes you capable of running in the competition? Wondering who they are? They are none other than Employees.

Workers are the ones that are always trying to do their best to make the outcome more appreciable. But many times, instead of getting a pat on their back, they have to hear the dissatisfied voice of the managers. Here the graph of their growth starts diminishing. This, in the long run, does not give away the business what they want.

Therefore, while HR builds strategies for engaging employees with their work, it is a prerequisite to consider Appreciation at the top stage. When they get the zest to do their job, they will indeed perform well. Developing such a culture at the workplace will bring more positivity and boost energy in the employees.

But this is not the cup of tea for every firm. Many managers do not realize its importance, and many of them could not find the right strategies to do so. To give appealing solutions to all these issues, refer to this article.

Importance of Employee Appreciation In The Workplace

Thank You is a ubiquitous word nowadays, but this word gives practical magic in the workplace.

When as an employee, you receive it from your managers, its importance goes to another level. You feel valued, and it works as a booster that motivates you to serve the company with all the possible efforts.

No doubt as a manager of the firm you are linked with many duties but while doing those tasks forgetting to appreciate the workers is not a good sign. It directly links with their job satisfaction, engagement with work, and happiness to do their job. All of these factors work together to enhance their productivity that is indeed a requirement of every company. Let’s get a better idea about the same by referring to the figure as shown below.

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William James has rightly said that “The deepest principle of human nature is a craving to be appreciated.” When we get some positive response for our work, we tend to spread such good vibes around us that make the environment even more appealing. It develops interpersonal relationships and helps the team to work together.

Look at the graph shown below. It clearly gives us the idea that there is a direct relationship between recognition and engagement in the workplace that defines a positive culture for work.

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In the list of HR duties, appreciation might be taking only a bit part, but paying adequate attention to it can make a massive difference in the workplace.

Merits Of Appreciating Employees

There are enormous benefits of admiring the workers. Making efforts for them will result in bringing many achievements for the organization. Let’s look at them as shown in the below points-

  • Giving feedback in an acceptable manner that motivates workers to do better is the key aspect that shows your concern towards them. It shows your acknowledgment for their efforts in a guiding way to make it more perfect.

  • When you take time to look at how the employees are working and involve yourself in their work structure by helping them with the issues they face, it improves your relationship with them and generates the feeling of care in workers’ minds.

  • Appreciating employees works like a magnet that keeps them within the field of the company. It results in a higher retention rate.

  • As they enter the office, communicating with them with a big smile will make their workplace more energetic and full of enthusiasm. This is one kind of admiration they feel for their presence in the company and will improve their productivity to a great extent.

  • Investing in employee recognition will bring much fruitfulness to the business.

  • Happy and satisfied employees can better serve the customers, resulting in getting more satisfied clients.

  • Admiration works as a powerful medicine that makes employees’ mental health strong.

Tips To Enhance Appreciation For Employees

Many companies are trying to do their best for the development of their workforce. But many times, they suffer in applying them in the right direction that brings good results for them. Especially with the HR managers as they are known for People Management, the branches of making efforts for appreciating employees come under their vast tree. Below-mentioned is some of the useful tips for making employees feel appreciated.

Remain Real With Your Thoughts

Don’t consider the admiration process as it is listed in your to-do list but think of it as a genuine concern for your employees. They are always hungry to get some positive feedback from you that is really meant for them. Remain specific with your thoughts and give them the shape of appreciation that motivates them to make themselves better. The statistic shown below gives the proof for the same. 

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Use The Power Of Social Platform

Companies use social applications like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for posting about the new updates that came in the product or services you offer. Why not use the same platforms for appreciating employees. Let the world know that your firm has potent workers. It not only enhances your image in the market but also develops a separate place in workers’ perspectives.

Just think about the scenario when the employee named X wakes up in the morning. While reading various posts, he comes across his own company’s post that has mentioned his achievement and how surprising and pleasing he will feel. It brings a big smile to his face, and he considers himself a lucky person to be a part of that company.

Your efforts for them are just one click away to reach the milestone of success that brings employees together in the journey.

Host Happy Hours Event

In this digitally growing era, every company is shifting towards digital solutions to make their work smart and more effective. All think that it makes their work culture perfect. Managers consider that by adopting the best human resource software there work for handling employees get over. But this is not 100% true. Along with the tools and software, employees need smoothing more that helps them to get the work done in the specified time and with enough quality. That is the feeling of cheer and happiness to focus on their job. 

To bring that concentration into their work, it is necessary sometimes to get out of the work bubble. For that, you can design various fun events where all the workers come together and participate themselves in the program. Arrange game sessions and encourage them to do their best. It increases their team spirit and also refreshes them. Every individual requires some kind of change from their routine to start their work again actively.

Develop Recognition Program

It makes a great difference in the admiration process when you frame it nicely, considering all the necessary criteria. You can form a team and accordingly develop various programs based on the workers’ desire to get recognized. The image shown below is representing the paramount importance of recognition in the workplace.

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It is well mentioned in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs that appreciation is one of the most important psychological needs that humans have. It is the secret of employee recognition. You can think of varieties of options for recognizing workers. It includes verbal appreciation, rewards, and incentives. Knowing what is most desirable for the employees and working in that direction will bring all the fruitful that you want.

Open Doors To Accept Workers’ Reviews

What employees feel for their workplace matters the most for developing the right solutions for them. Therefore, it is also beneficial to accept their feedback. Based on a specified time span, execute such practices to know their views.

Make the process more interesting for the employees by forming various sections that include varieties of responses to get added in it. You can add a portion for what changes they want to see in the workplace, how the company’s environment is, in what aspects the company is up to the mark, and many more you can add.

It helps you to identify the areas that need improvement. It gives you a bonus advantage of getting the awareness about updating the ongoing processes. Employees are the ones that work as true reflectors for the company’s image. It not only improves workers’ satisfaction with their work but also remains helpful for the growth of the business. Therefore, accept their response and collectively make efforts to show value for their presence.

Final Thoughts

Appreciation will always consist of significant importance for employees’ betterment in the workplace. Consider it as a special day called admiration day and remember its value as they are the strong block that shapes towards building a positive workplace.

Image Credit: Image (Source)

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Source: https://datafloq.com/read/role-of-appreciation-for-positively-growing-your-workplace/14565


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