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Leif Wyn – CAN – cryptoartnfts


CAN are excited to bring you the first musician to be featured on our website. Leif Wyn’s audio compositions are wonderfully atmospheric and really provide a lot of emotional resonance within what the artist describes as ‘Textured minimalism for the soul’. The underlying depth of his compositions are richly adorned with subtle sequences and there’s a feeling that the artist is creating a body of experimental work that takes the listener on a sensory journey that cannot be replicated with many forms of visual art.

I have always used music as a way to recalibrate my mind from the world and I have found composing to be the best way to do that. I heard recently the idea that when you write music it is like you are trying to conjure a spirit…when it is successful then it can have another life in the experience of the listener.

Leif Wyn interview with CAN 2022

While music/audio NFT’s are still in the embryonic stage of acceptance, CAN hope to see Leif Wyn and other musicians being welcomed into the community at large. We’d really encourage our readers to check out Leif Wyn’s work on SINGULAR.RMRK.APP in 2022.

Name or alias
Leif Wyn

Social media links and website profiles
Twitter – https://twitter.com/leifwyn (@leifwyn)
Bandcamp – https://leifwyn.bandcamp.com/album/a-single-thread-of-time

What is your background as a musician in general?
I am a film composer IRL but come from a long and varied career in the music industry. I have written & performed in bands, worked in studios as a producer and I also teach music production.

What is your overall process in generating music?
I don’t think I have one set method or approach…I like to have my hands on something to begin with – be it a piano, guitar or synthesizer. Once I have some performance elements I see what I can do in the computer environment. I use Ableton now almost exclusively for music production. I am always searching for some kind of emotional core in my music…this generally lends itself towards melancholy or reflective moods – I’m not sure why but this is what comes out! I have always used music as a way to recalibrate my mind from the world and I have found composing to be the best way to do that. I heard recently the idea that when you write music it is like you are trying to conjure a spirit…when it is successful then it can have another life in the experience of the listener. I quite like that.

How would you describe your music in your own words?
Textured minimalism for the soul.

Favourite artists / influences?
Ryuichi Sakamoto, Steve Reich, Taylor Duepree / 12k, Godspeed You Black Emporer, Late Period Talk Talk / Mark Hollis.

How did you discover the new blockchain world of Crypto Art and NFTs in general?
I often work with a brilliant film maker called Simon Hipkins. He made a 4 part doc about Blockchain in 2017 and I composed the music…that was my first education on the subject. To be honest I didn’t take it that seriously…there was a section in it about Crypto Kitties and I totally thought it was just a flash in the pan. He then started working with Polkadot and I wrote some music for them which led on to me and a good friend (Terra Incognita) making music for the Substrate conference. By this point I knew a bit more about NFTs and realised that music NFTs were a possibility. With the music industry in such freefall, I thought it was worth looking into. We decided to release the Sub0 soundtracks on Singular and focus on the Dotsama eco system….we were treated really well and had brilliant support from the community (including yourself Craig!) and people like Harry Pack.

What are the biggest challenges for musicians in the NFT space?
It is still such a visually driven space….without serious thought into what your project is going to look like, then you are just going to get lost in the noise. I don’t think music NFTs have found their feet yet…recorded music has been so devalued over the years with streaming so it will take a while for a clear path to emerge.

What are the some of the biggest opportunites for musicians in the NFT space?
Being connected to an engaged and passionate community is a fantastic thing. I think that the possibilities connected to the development of the technology (metaverse, VR, rmrk NFT legos etc) will allow for new artforms / methods of expression to emerge.


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