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4 Tactics for Classroom Fundraising During COVID-19


Fundraising during COVID-19

Fundraising can be tricky in even the best of times, and coronavirus, social distancing, and distance learning provide even more challenges! But at DonorsChoose, we have a massive community of donors who are ready and excited to help — they just need to hear your story.

To help you raise funding for your project from friends, family, and the larger public, we talked to some superstar DonorsChoose teacher fundraisers to find out what works best for them.

Paint a picture for your donors

As a teacher, you’re in a unique position to tell your students’ stories to the world. Tap into that insight and give donors a taste of what it is to teach during coronavirus. Whether sharing your favorite moments on Zoom calls, your innovative at-home teaching set up, or the way your students are supporting each other, details like these will bring your project to life for donors.

Use asset-framing to show what your students could achieve, instead of what they lack

“Asset-framing is defining people by their aspirations and their contributions, then acknowledging the challenges that often extend beyond them, and investing in them for their continued benefit to society.”

—Trabian Shorters | Founding CEO, BMe & DonorsChoose Board Member

When thinking about what students need, it’s easy to focus on what they don’t have. Instead, talk about your students’ potential. Highlighting students’ imagination, passion, and tenacity allows donors to feel like partners in your students’ success.

Focus on the details of how your students will benefit

Whether you’re requesting a document camera for yourself or a picture book for just one student, share how these resources will impact student learning. Donors crave making a tangible impact on a student’s life, so sharing how snacks will keep your students full and focused or how a long-distance art project supports students’ mental health will help donors feel connected.

Be specific when posting on social media

When writing for social media, you’ll need to keep your ask short and punchy! Share a quick detail or two about how you’re helping your students. Here are some formats to inspire you!

I’m requesting _____ so that my students can ____. When you support my project, you’ll help students achieve _____.

When you help my students and me access ____, you’re helping us _____. I know my students will _____ when given the chance to _____.

My students love _____, which is why I’m requesting _____. Support my projects and help me give my students _____.

Don’t forget to grab some eye-catching images from our Design Playground that you can use with your social media posts. 

Join our teacher community on Facebook to connect with fellow educators, brainstorm fundraising tactics, and more!

Looking to create a project? Get started!


Source: https://www.donorschoose.org/blog/4-tactics-for-classroom-fundraising-during-covid-19/


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