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3 Crowdfunding Campaign Page Writing Tips to Captivate Donors


3. Be as detailed as possible in your crowdfunding page description.

This tip boils down to one thing. You have to use your writing to tell your story and to tell it thoroughly. Page visitors don’t want vague details; people want to know what is going on, why you need the money, and what exactly the money will be used for.

According to our guide to donation requests, there are a number of relevant campaign details you’ll need to speak to, including:

  • Your background.
  • The cause’s background.
  • How you intend to use the money.
  • Why you’re seeking the help.

To understand the need for specifics better, consider these two examples:

  1. Please give to my campaign. I really need the money for school.
  2. Give to my campaign today to help me cover the cost of housing for my last semester of college so that I can manage a full workload and graduate on time.

In both examples, the organizer is asking for money for school, but in the second, pertinent details are shared to help tell the whole picture of what’s happening.

Which would you be more compelled to give to? The second, right?

Let’s take a look at how this advice plays out for the different types of writing:

  1. Title: You obviously don’t have much space in your title for details, but where you can, be as explicit as possible so people can quickly learn what your campaign is about.
  2. Description: This is your chance for your details to shine. Be as specific as possible and cover all your bases here.
  3. Updates: In your updates, you can add new details about campaign developments. You don’t want to reiterate your description, rather, you want to discuss what’s new in your campaign and how things are developing.

In Summary: Don’t skimp on the details. Donors will be more likely to give to a campaign that they fully understand.

Hopefully, after reading these three tips, you truly grasp the importance of carefully crafting your campaign messaging and writing. From the title of your campaign to the long-form description to the short blurbs you include in updates, it all contributes to you reaching your goal.

You can write your way into your donor’s hearts. Images and videos are great tools for drawing the attention of potential contributors, but it is often your words that can help you fully tell your story.

Now that you’re in the writing mode, check out these other helpful resources for perfecting your fundraising writing:

  1. Crowdfunding Descriptions: Why Length Matters to Your Fundraiser — Now that you have some general crowdfunding writing strategies, it is time to dive deeper into a key part of your fundraising page, your campaign description. This resource will help you write a winning strategy.
  2. Fundraising Letters: 7 Free Examples to Successfully Ask for Donations — If you’re going to go out and secure donations, there’s a good chance you’ll either be emailing or sending letters to folks. Draft an eloquent fundraising ask with the help of these fundraising letter best practices and templates.
  3.  7 Crowdfunding Tips: Quick and Easy Ways to Raise More Money — Looking for more campaign improvement strategies? Look no further than this complete list of crowdfunding tips. The list goes into writing strategies, but it also looks at a range of other techniques that will all contribute to your fundraiser’s success.

Source: https://blog.fundly.com/crowdfunding-campaign-page-writing/


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