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Xilinx ML Suite Adds “Award-Winning” to its Name


By Dale Hitt, Director of Strategic Market Development at Xilinx

We are honored that Xilinx ML Suite received the 2018 Vision Product of the Year award for the best cloud technology at the Embedded Vision Summit this week in Santa Clara, California.

Xilinx ML Suite enables developers to easily integrate accelerated machine learning (ML) inference into their current applications. What is particularly innovative about the Xilinx ML Suite is that cloud users of ML inference can easily achieve more than an order of magnitude better performance and cost savings over a CPU-based infrastructure without the custom development.

Traditional datacenter processors have not been able to keep up with compute-intensive workloads running in today’s cloud, such as machine learning, genomics, and video transcoding. The ML Suite delivers a dramatic improvement in machine learning inference performance with uniquely adaptable Xilinx technology.

Xilinx ML Suite already works on major cloud platforms such as Amazon EC2 F1 in numerous regions in the US and Europe. It supports popular machine learning frameworks such as Caffe, MxNet, and Tensorflow, as well as Python and RESTful APIs. Applications that utilize the ML Suite can be deployed in both cloud and on-premise environments.

In sum, Xilinx ML Suite delivers low-latency, high-throughput, and power-efficient machine learning inference for real world applications.

Xilinx’s Nick Ni (right) accepts the Cloud Technology Vision Product of the Year Award from Jeff Bier, founder of the Embedded Vision Alliance. Photo courtesy of EVA.Xilinx’s Nick Ni (right) accepts the Cloud Technology Vision Product of the Year Award from Jeff Bier, founder of the Embedded Vision Alliance. Photo courtesy of EVA.

Source: https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Xilinx-Xclusive-Blog/Xilinx-ML-Suite-Adds-Award-Winning-to-its-Name/ba-p/858938


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