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MorpheusZ Games announces that now is the time for Bậc thầy thời gian, and this puzzle/platformer is now available for Windows and Linux
trên Steam. Word is: “Time Master combines beautifully crafted graphics with tightly timed repeatable puzzles, featuring a charming, fully voice-acted story filled with surprises and laughs.” The
Launch Trailer
is where to turn for a look at what to expect, and here’s more of the description:

Time Master follows the story of Zeno, a wizard who has regrettably banished his sister to a prison vortex (whether it was an accident or sibling rivalry remains to be seen). After swearing never to use time magic again, Zeno is faced with the dilemma of using it to free his sister and risk another prisoner of the vortex escaping. As they unfold Zeno’s journey, players are treated to a series of fully voice-acted cinematic cutscenes.

Players will guide Zeno as he works with his past self to complete a wide variety of timed puzzles to recover time fragments. Rewind and freeze time at strategic moments to overcome the obstacles of each puzzle and obtain the needed fragments. Those looking to challenge themselves can replay levels to try and complete them in a faster time and earn additional time fragments.

Source: https://www.bluesnews.com/s/244394/time-master-released

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