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80% nhà ở Hoa Kỳ được định giá quá cao, nhưng giá sẽ giảm nhiều nhất ở đâu?

In this article US housing markets have started to shift. The massive run-up in home prices eventually led us to high interest rates, high inflation,...

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Even As Rates Rise, Builders Aren’t Worried About an “Overbuilding” Problem

In this article The 2020-caused supply chain shortage went from bad to worse over the span of just a month. By the summer of 2020,...

Property Product-Market Fit: The Most Important Metric You’ve Never Heard Of

In this article Housing demand has caused home prices to explode over the past two years. But, even as interest rates rise, the Fed tries...

Why The Fed Is Rooting for a Housing Market Correction

In this article The Federal Reserve has spent the past year or so fighting inflation as hard as they can. They’ve raised the federal funds...

Wall Street Loses Its Landlord Appetite, Listings Slump, and Rents Rise

In this article Don’t you love Wall Street? From artificially inflating the housing market to kicking first-time homebuyers to the curb, and now, selling off...

Rẻ hơn, nhanh hơn và tốt hơn cho các nhà đầu tư: Những ngôi nhà mô-đun quay trở lại

In this article Modular homes don’t have the same market sentiment that traditional housing does. For many people, the thought of building a home in...

Tác động không thể tha thứ mà Ngôi nhà mới "Bán tháo" có thể gây ra

In this article For the past couple of years, new construction homes were the envy of the neighborhood. They had brand new granite countertops, walls...

Crash or Correction: Are We Repeating 2008’s Mistakes?

In this article Home sales are starting to slump, days on market continue to climb, and price drops are becoming the new norm. Are we...

Could Build-to-Rent Investing Deliver a Deathblow to Multifamily?

In this article It’s a little strange how long it took build-to-rent real estate investing to catch on. For decades, landlords were used to buying...

Housing is Unaffordable, But Could It Actually Get Worse?

In this article The housing market, for most people, seems like an unaffordable investment. For years, housing unaffordability was climbing, but not fast enough to...

Phố Wall: Đe doạ khổng lồ hay quỹ phòng hộ vô hại?

In this article Home prices are a big part of the housing market. But not as big as interest rates. As the Federal Reserve sets...

4.3 triệu lý do tại sao Đa gia đình được mua vào năm 2022

In this article Multifamily real estate has been on a tear for the past two years. This is not only thanks to 2020-induced rent...

Inflation Falls, Inventory Drops, and Why is Multifamily Such a Mess?

In this article Single-family vs. multifamily investing. We can go on this debate for days. Small-time investors favor single-family rentals due to their low barrier...

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