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NFT, lừa đảo BTC nổi bật trên Twitter, tài khoản YouTube của Quân đội Anh


Twitter and YouTube records of the British Army were all the while hacked on Sunday and utilized for advancing two different crypto scams.

However, by Sunday night, the compromised accounts had been reestablished to ordinary, media báo cáo nói.

Cyber ​​Attack

The obscure programmers changed the record subtleties to make them thoroughly search in a state of harmony with the crypto tricks they advanced through them.

The UK government’s Ministry of Defense recognized the break of the British Army’s Twitter and YouTube accounts in a kêu riu ríu.

“Chúng tôi biết về sự vi phạm tài khoản Twitter và YouTube của Quân đội và một cuộc điều tra đang được tiến hành. Quân đội rất coi trọng vấn đề bảo mật thông tin và đang giải quyết vấn đề. Nó cho biết cho đến khi cuộc điều tra của họ hoàn tất, sẽ không thích hợp để bình luận thêm.

Tài khoản đã được khôi phục

After around two hours, the hacked Twitter accounts were mostly reestablished. A significant number of the retweets made during the compromised status of the record kept on being on the reestablished page, reports claimed.

The British Army apologized to its devotees for the bother through a tweet from the reestablished account.

“Apologies for the temporary interruption to our feed. We will conduct a full investigation and learn from this incident. Thanks for following us and normal service will now resume,” it tweeted around two hours after the UK Defense Ministry recognized the breach.

NFT, lừa đảo BTC

The hacked Twitter account with 362,000 supporters declared another NFT assortment called The Possessed. According to a duplicate of the tài khoản bị tấn công lưu trữ, the assailants illustrated two distinct arrangements of NFTs – Anomaly and Moonbirds. The declaration was connected to a phony printing site, which seemed veritable and cutting-edge, in any event, showing the quantity of accessible NFTs dwindling.

“Ở một giai đoạn, tên tài khoản Twitter đã được đổi thành Bapesclan, kèm theo một bức ảnh đại diện có một nhân vật hoạt hình giống vượn người với lối trang điểm bắt chước một chú hề,” BBC cho biết trong báo cáo của nó.

The programmers supplanted the record subtleties of the YouTube channel with those of ARK Investment. Through that compromised channel, the aggressors showed meetings of Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey, with a trick BTC and ETH trick message on the lines.

Bùng nổ trong Hacking và Theft

While episodes of hacking and burglary have expanded considerably lately in the digital money space, compromising online entertainment records of high-profile individuals and associations is likewise being accounted for very frequently.

For model, In December 2021, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Twitter account was momentarily thỏa hiệp and showed messages of a bitcoin scam.

Digital craftsmen Mike Winkelmann or Beeple is another high-profile person whose Twitter account was vi phạm as of late. The programmers had the option to empty $71,000 out of the clients through a crypto trick link.

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#NFT #BTC #Scams #Featured #British #Armys #Compromised #Twitter #YouTube #Accounts

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