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Cách tháo dỡ trong Lost Ark


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Smilegate, Tripod Studio

In Lost Ark, unused gear and items can be dismantled to clear up inventory space.

Lost Ark is a 2022 MMORPG developed by Amazon Game Studios that is currently in beta and is set to be released Feb. 11, 2022.

Because of this, many are rushing to give the game a try while they have a chance.

So, here’s everything we know about dismantling items in Lost Ark.

To dismantle gear and items in Lost Ark, you will need to open up your inventory. As default, the hotkey for this is the I (as in eye) button.

Once the player is in the inventory menu, the button which has a hammer on it can be located at the bottom of the screen.

Clicking on the hammer will open up the dismantle item menu and items or gear can be freely dragged into it as long as the item you’re trying to dismantle can be destroyed for resources.

Unfortunately, only certain items can be dismantled. Items in your inventory that can’t be dismantled will be greyed out once you open the dismantle menu.

Items can be right clicked to quickly add them to the dismantle menu.

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