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Đặt cọc trên thiết bị di động Kraken Pro đã có mặt


Did you know you can now stake from your mobile device using the Ứng dụng Kraken Pro? Staking is one of the simplest ways to accrue crypto and cash holdings with Kraken. Bear market or bull market, staking pays out steady rewards on assets that would otherwise be sitting idle in your account. Find out more about staking tại đây

Stake when you want, where you want

The Kraken Pro app lets you stake and unstake on the go, giving you the freedom to manage and track your rewards easily so that you can always find out how your portfolio is performing.

Earn rewards on your rewards

Once you’ve staked an asset, you can automatically receive rewards mỗi tuần. Your staked rewards will start compounding immediately, increasing your staked balance.

Unstake with maximum flexibility

For most of our staking assets, you can choose to unstake anytime with no fees or lock-up periods. This means you can return your staked assets to your spot wallet anytime you choose.*

Dễ dàng như 1-2-3

Our user-friendly Kraken Pro app lets you stake your Polkadot, Cardano, Solana và nhiều hơn nữa in just three simple steps:

What assets can I stake and at what rate of return? 

Kraken currently offers staking on 16 coins and cryptocurrencies with more to come. You can discover the individual reward rates for each asset tại đây.

New to staking?

Mobile staking is a great way to get started. Maximize your portfolio by staking assets that would otherwise be sitting idle in your Kraken account.

[Nhúng nội dung]

Tải về Ứng dụng Kraken Pro on your phone to start staking now. Experience the same security and features you love about Kraken desktop in a sleek, mobile-first design for advanced crypto trading, staking and funding on the go.

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*At this time it’s not currently possible to unstake staked ETH or FLOWH. Further information can be found on their respective FAQ’s. ETH Staking FAQ | FLOW FAQ. Xin vui lòng xem Các Điều Khoản của Dịch Vụ, including Annex C, for further information about the terms and conditions that apply to on-chain staking services.
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