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Konami có thể đang làm việc với các nhà phát triển bên ngoài cho các IP đã thành lập của họ


Konami was a big-name company for quite a few years. They delivered games like Silent Hill, Metal Gear SolidNgược lại into the marketplace. However, the company has remained a bit quiet in terms of new big video game installments from established IPs. While Konami has previously taken the stance that they are not leaving the video game industry, it might be that Konami will keep a presence while relying on external development studios to carry the torch for their future video game projects.

Recently, Konami had a new GetsuFumaDen title released into the marketplace. If you’re not familiar with the game then we don’t blame you. It was originally a 1987 release that was only available in Japan. However, Konami had recently given indie development studio GuruGuru the ability to bring out a new installment. Now, during recent interviews to talk about this game, Konami producer spoke with JPGames were the subject of how this partnership was established.

The big takeaway from this event was the fact that Konami may have more of these external studio collaborations to be announced in the future. Unfortunately, nothing was given away about what may already be in the works. For now, we’re forced into waiting but that could mean we might see some new thrilling installments to game franchises that have been dormant for a few years.

For instance, there is a big fan base for Metal Gear and it’s unknown just who will be taking on the next chapter for this game after Konami’s previous Metal Gear sống sót title failed to capture much of an audience. Likewise, a game franchise that’s been highly rumored about for the past few years to have some kind of a return is Silent Hill. Again, after Konami’s last attempt to bring out this IP with Hideo Kojima taking the lead, it was eventually scrapped when Hideo parted ways with Konami to establish his studio, Kojima Productions. 

nguồn: VGC

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Source: https://gameranx.com/updates/id/228970/article/konami-might-be-working-with-external-developers-for-their-established-ips/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=konami-might-be-working-with-external-developers-for-their-established-ips

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